I’m quite satisfied for the first time, but I still need some advice. How to get a thin and crispy crust (on my bread maybe a little too hard for me) and how to get a slightly fluffier center?

I used 350g of smooth white flour type 500 250g of wholemeal flour 5 dcl of lukewarm water one packet of dry yeast (7g) a teaspoon of salt and sugar 2 tablespoons of oil

The dough rose for an hour, and it was baked for 15 minutes at 230°C, then I lowered the temperature to 170°C for 30 minutes.


Posted by i_am_big_potato


  1. LocalFeature2902 on

    Js dam malo več soli. Na hitro zgnetem. Pokrijem in pustim vzhajat 1h na pultu. Nato spet zgnetem in pokrito v hladilnik za nekaj ur ali čez noč. Ogreješ pečico, zarežeš testo in pečeš. Dam še skodelico vode zraven v pečico, 10min pred koncem jo dam ven. Ko je spečen ga daš na rešetko in pokrijes s krpo, ter pustiš vsaj 1h da se ohladi. Če ne pokriješ je skorja trda. S hidracijo, razmerje voda-moka se ne ukvarjam.
    Če se mi da, zvečer naredim kvas, vodo in moko v lončku. Pokrijem čez noc, in zjutraj naredim testo.
    Enkrat moram naredit starter, pa se mi ne da 🙂