Democrats suspect Netanyahu of attempting to tilt Trump-Harris race


  1. Suspect? He literally visits Trump privately almost every time he comes here in the U.S, right after his speech on congress a month or so ago, he went straight to Trump. Tf, suspecting? He is openly doing it.

  2. Well, we could always condition arms shipments on compliance with terms instead of just giving Netanyahu everything he fucking wants

  3. It’s curious how no one in the mainstream media can figure this obvious thing out. It’s like the media wants to keep people ignorant.

  4. ResponsibleMilk7620 on

    Netanyahu knows he needs to perpetuate war for as long as possible (which requires unlimited money and resources) to stay in power, and with Trump he’ll have everything he wants regardless of whatever depravity he commits.

  5. Oh NOW they “suspected” it. There are cuckolded husbands who caught on quicker than that

  6. Why wouldn’t he? He can humiliate Biden all he wants and he’ll still get money and weapons. So there’s no down side to his Trump support. He’s also committing a genocide, but I know Dems care mostly about the election.

  7. Well, **DUH.** Would not be surprised if he actually attempts to nuke Gaza before the end of month as one last “fuck you” to Harris and Walz.

  8. omgpuppiesarecute on

    Biden, tell the carrier group to pull up their anchors and sail away.

    It’s time to remind Bibi who the superpower is.

  9. Duh. Conservatives all over the world are in fucking cahoots with each other and have been for a while.

  10. Yeah it’s pretty obvious. He’s doing everything he can to keep the chaos going. I don’t keep up with Middle East politics much but I really don’t understand why we keep sending aid and arms if he’s just going to ignore everything we say.

  11. HyperbolicLetdown on

    No shit. What do you think he was doing at mar-a-lago? There’s a reason they’re invading Lebanon right now.

  12. Wine_Women_Song on

    Suspect??? What gave it away? The fact that we’ve been very vocal about it for months???

  13. Profound-Madman on

    God I love libs… They finally arrive at the leftist analysis nearly a year later and still wiill do absolutely nothing about it because “fuck it they’re Muslims who cares” and instead of winning in a landslide by ending weapons transfers they’re gonna end up in a tight or losing race and keep sending us further into our Reich spiral along with the new Nazi regime bibi is heading up

  14. Creative-Lynx-1561 on

    you know, Netanyahu considered asking Putin to stop Iran. Russia didnt do anything. Maybe US should ignore Israel sometimes too.

  15. The Biden and Harris administration are tilting it themselves by continuing to let him have our money

  16. Duh, he’s already doing it. Why else provocate Iran and Lebanon at the same time without an apparent threat? Why propose peace talks that he bombs immediately? Meanwhile I see more and more online activity openly painting Harris as the main bloodshedder for both Israel and Palestine. Even the Israeli Foreign Minister seems to have enough.

  17. By wading into US politics like this Netanyahu is undermining Israel’s long term security. He has spent a decade alienating democrats and is trying to turn support for Israel into a partisan issue so that he can cling to power and stay out of jail.

    It’s completely self destructive and the fact that more Israelis aren’t alarmed and outraged by this is shocking.

  18. HallucinogenicFish on

    Of course he is.

    > A senior Senate Democratic aide backed Murphy’s claim, noting that Netanyahu has long had a reputation as a “meddler” in American politics.

    > “I don’t think for a minute that Bibi’s not doing it just to impact domestic elections. **I think he thinks he can get the Jewish vote to swing**

    Bless. Good luck with that.

    > but he may get the Arab American vote to swing,” said the aide.

  19. I noticed that in /r/israel it has become common to see anti-Biden / anti-Harris comments, as well as pro-Trump ones (“at least he would have unwavering support!”). I figured they were Russian assets, but I wonder now if Netanyahu is the cause.

  20. AndlenaRaines on

    >Democrats increasingly suspect that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to interfere in U.S. domestic politics by ignoring calls by President Biden to negotiate a peace deal in Gaza…

    But both sides are the same!!!

  21. Wonderful_Garbage229 on

    The thing is, other than the ass kissing he gets from Trump, what exactly does he feel like he doesn’t get from the Biden Administration? Seems to me he has free reign, and billions of dollars, to do what he wants and, at most, has to have a “tough” conversation with Joe every so often.

  22. Israel is far out of people’s mind right now. Muslims voters will care, but is suspect their smart enough to know Trump would be worse.

    The dock strike was the big thing, but that got wrapped up quick.

  23. I know headlines have to write things a certain way but this has been pretty out in the open for awhile

  24. This is their reasoning for why israel is interfering with usa election.

    Democrats increasingly suspect that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to interfere in U.S. domestic politics by ignoring calls by President Biden to negotiate a peace deal in Gaza and by confronting Hezbollah and Iran weeks before the U.S. election.