Conservatives ask lobbying commissioner to review Mark Carney’s role as Liberal adviser


  1. disloyal_royal on

    > “I have long balanced public and private duties with integrity and in compliance with all applicable rules in my various roles, and am confident I will do so in my role as Chair of the Leader’s Task Force on Economic Growth as well,”

    Perfect, so let’s have some transparency and confirm that. We can assume Carney is doing nothing wrong, but also want someone to confirm that.

  2. I think it’s fair, especially after their stonewalling on this slush fund account.

    He is exempt from all ethics hearings due to the nature of the contract, somebody should be able to review it.

  3. Baulderdash77 on

    Surely one of Canada’s most famous businessmen who is chairman of Bloomberg LLP and the 1 *Trillion* dollar equity fund Brookfield- would never *ever* advise the government on policy that could *possibly* benefit his business interests. High profile Liberals are known to avoid grift and conflict of interest at all times /s

  4. The *only* conceivable reason Carney was made an advisor to the Liberal Party rather than to the PM was to skirt the ethics and conflict of interest rules that members of the PMO are subject to. And then within a week of receiving the appointment it was announced that the company Carney is the Chairman of is lobbying the government for tens of billions of dollars.

    I mean, come on. This is comically transparent corruption unfolding in real time, and nobody is supposed to notice because Trudeau (once again) thought he’d found a way around the rules?