RCMP official won’t say whether Chinese ‘police stations’ are still operating in Canada



  1. On that note:

    [RCMP accused of handling Chinese police stations “differently than other types of organized crime” – Lawyer for Chinese Canadian Concern Group suggests Ottawa is limiting RCMP to “diplomatic” approach on sensitive probes involving Beijing’s transnational repression](https://www.thebureau.news/p/rcmp-accused-of-handling-chinese)

    >*Regarding the Chinese police stations, the RCMP rejected claims raised during the hearings and publicly by several Canadian Parliamentarians, including Senator Yuen Pau Woo, that its national security investigation into alleged Chinese Communist Party (CCP) police stations had disrupted legitimate community services and activities. At the same time, the RCMP faced criticism for not aggressively investigating transnational repression, which appears to involve serious organized crime.*

    >*The Commission learned that in the fall of 2022, following international attention from the NGO Safeguard Defenders, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) disseminated intelligence assessing that these stations were partly created to “collect intelligence and monitor former PRC residents living in Canada as part of the PRC’s broader transnational anti-corruption, repression, and repatriation campaign.” These police stations, established by sub-national PRC authorities, reportedly provide administrative services to Chinese nationals abroad, such as driver’s license renewals and household registration changes. More than two dozen services were offered through these stations, which operate in countries around the world.*

    >*During the proceedings, Neil Chantler, a lawyer representing Chinese Canadians concerned with PRC interference, noted that documents revealed Canadian authorities were aware of the CCP police stations before the Safeguard Defenders report, which garnered international media attention. Deputy Commissioner Flynn refused to confirm this, citing ongoing investigations.*

  2. JimmyAintSure4646 on

    RCMP is only good at harassing law abiding citizens.

    Never actually heard of them doing anything productive.

  3. Sweaty-Way-6630 on

    Our gov is putting Canadians lives in danger with their virtue signaling policies.. immigration needs to be taken seriously.

  4. ghost_n_the_shell on

    So, this is a confirmation.
    By saying it’s part of their ongoing investigation, he’s literally confirming it.

    I don’t think he’s at liberty to discuss it – but this is actually a confirmation.

  5. If China wants to buy a house in Canada and rent it back to a Canadian we open the gates and welcome them with open arms.

    If China wants to sell an EV so Canadians can save money we tariff them 100% and say its a matter of national security.

    Nothing our current government does makes any sense.

  6. Indian government conducts assassinations on Canadian soil

    CCP operating illegal “police” stations in Canada

    Unknown MPs have been colluding with both the Chinese and Indian governments. (When the hell is this going to be publicly exposed and dealt with!?!?)

    And the recent development with the Tenet media also involving Canadians

    We are losing our sovereignty at an alarming rate

  7. Well… My girlfriend still regularly gets phone calls from people speaking Mandarin claiming to be Canada Post wanting to verify her address and occupation….

    I caught her one time responding to their questions (I’m picking up Mandarin) and afterwards I was like “don’t you find it odd that Canada Post is calling you speaking Mandarin?

    She said no I’m chinese… And I was like. Ok honey…. Next time just give me the phone and let’s see how that goes.

  8. They are officially called Embassy’s and Consolates. That way, they can come and go on Dipomatic Passports and plausable deniablity for the Government. It a win-win.

  9. easttowest123 on

    Or….RCMP official confirms Chinese police stations are still operating in Canada

  10. Dammit I’m tired of all the bs that’s going on in Canada that we aren’t allowed to know about. We have traitors in our government, interference in our elections now this. I’m beginning to hate Canada tbh, never thought I would ever say that.

  11. RedEyedWiartonBoy on

    Until the RCMP is removed from the direct control of the Federal Government, they can not be trusted to do the right, objective and honest work expected of them.

  12. It’s pretty obvious why he cannot answer.
    Say Yes: “Well then stop them NOW!!”
    Say No: “Look, we found one! Why did you lie?”

    Ofc his non-answer is an answer itself.

  13. Why is our government so secretive? Whether it is secret police stations, compromised politicians, election meddling or foreign countries operating here, they seem to just bury their heads and pretend nothing happening.
    Screw that, at this point I want to see perp walks.

  14. FingalForever on

    I feel like passing a big box of Kleenex around to the fake tears being expressed here.

  15. ZonicTheNicotineHog on

    The RCMP is corrupt.  It’s why the Liberals engage in scandals with reckless abandon.  They know the relevant authority will never hold them accountable.

  16. AustralisBorealis64 on

    It’s pretty rich for the politicians to call up the Mounties to report on foreign interference when they won’t even report on their own foreign interference.

  17. They are and are now tax exempt. The *Wenzhou* Friendship *Society* is still operating in BC and operating as a charit able organization.

  18. I won’t be surprised if we also had middle eastern and Indian forces here as well.
