Looks like Israel just upgraded their defense system to ‘space mode’ next stop, intercepting meteors and bad vibes
Lucyyannexo on
Looks like Israel just upgraded their defense system to ‘space mode’ next stop, intercepting meteors and bad vibes
iamhamilton on
An entire year of US missile production was spent in one night…
theLV2 on
So surreal
Jc2563 on
Man that was a lot of missiles that landed. I wonder what happened with the iron dome?
xaina222 on
Looks like the interceptors arrived too late to catch the missiles and just self detonate ?
edit: why am I getting downvoted lol
anon1292023 on
Oh cool, another video that looks basically the same as the 100 other videos I’ve already seen.
Elbynerual on
Title is inaccurate. The interception happened well within earth’s atmosphere. It was just high up where there is less air pressure so the explosion spreads out much farther.
Maleficent-Memory673 on
$20,000 rocket intercepted by a $2 million dollar rocket.
Israel’s economist would be crying 😂
Looks like Israel just upgraded their defense system to ‘space mode’ next stop, intercepting meteors and bad vibes
Looks like Israel just upgraded their defense system to ‘space mode’ next stop, intercepting meteors and bad vibes
An entire year of US missile production was spent in one night…
So surreal
Man that was a lot of missiles that landed. I wonder what happened with the iron dome?
Looks like the interceptors arrived too late to catch the missiles and just self detonate ?
edit: why am I getting downvoted lol
Oh cool, another video that looks basically the same as the 100 other videos I’ve already seen.
Title is inaccurate. The interception happened well within earth’s atmosphere. It was just high up where there is less air pressure so the explosion spreads out much farther.
$20,000 rocket intercepted by a $2 million dollar rocket.
Israel’s economist would be crying 😂