Vance confirms today he does not believe in our democratic election or legal systems. Says Trump won in 2020.


  1. Oh just the nice little idea that all of our systems and apparatuses need to be destroyed and rebuilt with party loyalists. But he has a dog! He’s so normal guys! He was polite in the debate!

  2. Republicans **HATE** America.

    Republicans want to **DESTROY** America.

    Vote blue, no matter who. Vote like your life depends on it. 

    It very likely does.

  3. Saying the quiet parts of Project 2025 out loud. Damn, they’re really getting desperate now, aren’t they?

  4. just_someone27000 on

    Please vote. There’s a group of people in the US made up of queer, trans, neurodivergent, and disabled people, cis women, just minorities all around who would and will prefer to end things if trump wins instead of living through the chain of events him and his platform want to execute. It’s genuinely scary and terrifying and I don’t know how many people actually know about this group. From a lot of scared people, please please please vote

  5. The same guy who called Trump Americas Hitler is now kissing his ass so hard. Trump lost fairly, get over it.

  6. Gold-Judgment-6712 on

    How very un-American of him. Wasn’t the system put in place by the Founders?

  7. he’s right Trump did win. the democrats stole the election. but I can promise you that they won’t steal this one and get away with it!

  8. SnooEpiphanies2576 on

    Call me old fashioned but I’m pretty sure people who don’t believe in the rule of law shouldn’t hold the highest offices in the country…

  9. What a fucking coward. He had the chance to say it with his chest in front of the entire nation but backs down then says it to please his leader when no one is watching. Pathetic losers. All of them.

  10. Effective-Pudding207 on

    I wonder if JD is his main diaper changer or are they all on some type of rotation schedule?

  11. I want to say I feel sorry for Vance, but he chose to be Trump’s Political Cuck. November can’t come soon enough.

  12. Fabulous_Ad_8621 on

    So… if Trump/Vance win, how would he legally get sworn in? Isn’t he disqualifying himself from being eligible by confirming what we already know regarding his character?

  13. Flipthejaybird on

    “I really feel bad for you man”
    Finish the sentence. You feel bad for him because he believes in a free and fair election and you have no intention of conducting one.