Trump election conspiracist Tina Peters sentenced to 9 years in prison by Colorado judge


  1. >Peters was immediately taken into custody after the sentencing judge rejected her lawyer’s request that she remain free.

    Believe it or not…. Straight to jail

  2. Busy-Bug-6232 on

    She’ll probably be hoping for Trump to be pres so he can pardon her. But that turd probably won’t care.

    But let’s not leave that to chance and vote!

  3. Operation-FuturePuss on

    “Well Timmy, your grandma is going to die in prison because a fake billionaire was really really sad he didn’t win a contest”

  4. Umm, FA&FO cost Rudy millions, Tina 9 years, so it seems there are consequences. So Don, something else to think about on those sleepless nights.

  5. This is what happens to normal people when they do just ONE of the many things Trump has done.

  6. Good!

    Far and away the most unamerican thing one can do…take away your vote.

    Fuck her and everyone else who thought this scheme was a good idea.

  7. Weird how all of the actual election interference was done by the Republicans. It’s almost like they are a bunch of projecting liars who cheat every time they don’t get their way and cry foul any time they are caught.

  8. ButtholeCharles on

    Man, if Trump is watching this happen immediately following Jack Smith’s filing, he has got to be shitting his pants.

    Moreso than a usual Thursday, I mean.

  9. Tina Peters is 68 or 69. There is a chance she will die in prison.

    If she has grandkids she won’t see them grow up.

    She did this to herself.

  10. Perma_frosting on

    She was allowed to present remarks to the judge before sentencing. This is normally where someone would try to show their remorse and good character. Instead she spent 40 minutes complaining about how unfair it was she had to put up with a trial and literally crying about what ‘the prosecution’ had done to her life.

    “It’s with a heavy heart that I hear the vile accusations and anger levied against me for what I did to serve the people of Mesa County,” she said. “I think it was important for someone to stand up and I chose to do that.”

    I think she honestly expected this would somehow convince the judge to agree she didn’t deserve to be punished?

  11. The part that still boggles my mind is her running for Secretary of State (you know, the office that oversees elections in the state) while under indictment for the crimes that resulted in this sentencing.

    She didn’t win the primary but did, probably predictably, throw a hissy fit that her loss was fraudulent. She was obviously cheated out by those pesky criminal…other Republicans? Colorado told her “the results aren’t close enough to require a recount, but if you want to pay for one yourself…” So she did a round of fundraising and brought in more money for the recount than for her campaign itself. And the kicker: the recount showed all three candidates having received about a dozen more votes than reported in the original tabulation. Not enough to close the 88k vote gap Peters lost by.

  12. I love living in Colorado. Deep blue and and a result shit works how it’s supposed to.

  13. Economy_Day5890 on

    Hey, if any of you were wondering what the consequences of following Q-anon down the rabbit hole…here you are. And the amazing thing? She just had to believe Trump lost. It’s not even THAT unbelievable. He spent four years hating on everyone and everything. He’s exhausting. And now ol’ chica is gonna spend 9 years because she’s a POS.

  14. I’m glad this happened before the election. Maybe others will think twice about doing whatever is takes for their supreme leader.

  15. NeitherCook5241 on

    If Peters is going to jail, what about the criminal ring leader who ordered the tampering

  16. That. Is. Amazing.

    Finally, some fucking consequences, and consequences that fucking hurt and send a message. As they should, and is as deserved.

    Bye, bye Felicia. Or in this case, Tina.

  17. >I’m convinced you do it all over again if you could,” Barrett said in scathing remarks before sentencing the former Mesa County clerk

    >“You’re as defiant a defendant as this court has ever seen,” the judge told Peters, who had requested probation as prosecutors asked that she receive the 20-year maximum.

    Doesn’t even realizes that she committed the same felony they accuse the liberals of supposedly committing.

  18. >“Your lies are well documented, and these convictions are serious. “I’m convinced you’d do it all over again if you could,” Barrett told the former Mesa County clerk.

    If only a judge would ever say this to Trump.

  19. Good. She even showed no remorse for her actions but this is what happens when delusional idiots with a savior complex are put in power.

    Now the others who are messing with our rights need to be prosecuted and sentenced as well.

  20. > “You are no hero,” state District Court Judge Matthew Barrett told Peters. “You’re a charlatan who used and is still using your prior position in office to peddle a snake oil that’s been proven to be junk time and time again.”
    > “Your lies are well documented, and these convictions are serious. “I’m convinced you’d do it all over again if you could,” Barrett told the former Mesa County clerk.
    > “You’re as defiant a defendant as this court has ever seen.”

    The most defiant and unrepentant defendant got less than 50% of the sentence requested by the state. They asked for 20 years, she got 9. But, at her age, I suppose it may as well be 20.