Feds won’t rule out forcing public servants back to office for four days a week



  1. this is so dumb. its better for everyone concerned to allow at least 2 days WFH, if not more. Less traffic, less pollution, more quality of life. The only people who lose out are a few rich real estate developers who gives a fuck about them.

  2. stark_resilient on

    It’s like the liberal part is trying to speedrunning to losing election in 2025

  3. Then it will be 5! And 6 the year after that! Eventually you’ll live in your federal workhouse! Provided by the government!

  4. Devourer_of_felines on

    > Fox said she doesn’t disagree with the argument that some workers can individually do their work just as well from home as they can in the office.

    > “But my counter to that would be, well, we actually need you in the office to support younger staff so they can learn from you and learn the trade and be part of something that is about service to Canadians,” she said

    I’m wondering whether this *deputy clerk* has ever actually mentored a new employee. Pulling up a chair and watching a senior employee work hasn’t been how on-boarding worked for literally decades by now

  5. Let them work from home and donate the office space to the local municipality to turn into affordable housing. We have more heads than we do roofs to put them under.

  6. Wonderful-Pipe-5413 on

    Lol Libs going to lose their public servant voting bloc too. Anyone want to take bets they will actually come in third place in 2025?

  7. Real easy way to make people happy and help reduce climate change is to stop forcing people to work in offices when they can do the job at home. And improves traffic at the same time.

  8. Well, they can count on me not spending any money in the core area, including entitled business owners whining about how I OWE them a living but they don’t have to earn one by being open longer hours.

    I’m brown bagging, using my family’s parking, and not even my usual pop-in to Dollarama on my way to the car.

    I’m just a black hole in what could have been properties used for other in-demand purposes.

  9. Fedora_thee_explorer on

    Yeah go offend, upset snd completely alienate your biggest voting base even more than you already have. Get with the times for gods sake.

    Do people realize rental space is THE largest cost to running a government?

  10. Other-Razzmatazz-816 on

    The best way these civil servants can serve me is by staying off the roads and staying home. Mandate WFH.

  11. Dry-Love-3218 on

    I work as a Captain on a tugboat so I can’t work from home.

    However, I don’t understand why, if the majority of your duties can be done online or by phone, you need to come into the office 4 days a week. If the lying Liberals were truly green they should applaud the amount of cars this would take off the road.

    Second, during Covid it was perfectly acceptable to use DocuSign for loans, Mortgages etc, saving the hassle of booking time off work to sign something. Now, it’s not?….

  12. Congrats to NDP for securing the official opposition spot in the upcoming election! Michael Ignatieff is waiting for you, buddy!

  13. I skipped break this morning, worked through my scheduled lunch and I’m now taking a quick bite to eat and getting back at it in order to have a meeting with a colleague in a different time zone. I stopped long enough to check reddit and find out how much I’m slacking.

    I’ve seen it all at this point. Union/non-union, private/public, office/construction. I find that usually the people always pointing their fingers at others about slacking are projecting their own desires to sluff off and jealousy for others people that are able to be self-directed.

  14. Coral8shun_COZ8shun on

    They could always look for a new job…….. oh wait….. we seem to be lacking those options at the moment 404 ERROR

  15. Sharp_Simple_2764 on

    Apparently, the “climate-saving liberals” want people to buy more gas, so they can charge them the carbon tax.

    If the libs were serious about the actual climate, they should allow all 5 days as WFH, wherever it’s practical and doesn’t require physical presence.

    SO I ran quick numbers for this.


    – average commute distance 8.7km x 2 = 17.4km
    – average city fuel consumption 10L/100km
    – total number of federal employees 367,772
    – total number of federal employees who could WFH : 183,886 (50%)
    – total number of those using their own vehicles to get to work 91,943 (25% of total federal workforce)
    – total work days per year – 200

    Using [this calculator](https://co2.myclimate.org/en/portfolios?calculation_id=7399081), letting 91,943 federal employees work from home would eliminate 368 tons of CO2 emissions on commute alone.

    Note, that public transport, while better per capita, still incurs additional CO2 emissions depending on the weight of the passengers. Additionally, other resources used in the office would now be redundant – some lights, some heating, some water, cleaning, etc.

    As per the same calculator:

    *In order to stop climate change, this is the maximum amount of CO2 that can be generated by a single person in a year:0.600 t CO2*

    An average commute 200 days a year (using the above assumptions) will generate 0.800 t CO2 per commuter. So for each person, the commute alone produces excess CO2 above the recommended value.

    Libs don’t give a flying fuck about the climate. They love control and money.

    Disclosure: I am not a federal employee, and my position does not allow for full-time WFH.

  16. Why pick a fight with the employees and their union for no real gain? The talk of “culture” is ridiculous. This is the government, not some spunky startup.

  17. It’s going to happen everywhere, it’s already happening. What are you going to do quit? Good luck finding a job right now.

  18. LPC: “We need to cut down on our carbon footprint so you need to commute shorter distances or find alternative modes of transportation.”


    LPC; “We need you to commute long distances to do work that can easily be done at home in large offices that we sold to our backers so they can make millions renting them back to us as government workspaces.”

    Anybody who thinks the Liberals give a damn about the environment is completely fooling themselves. 

  19. The liberal strategy really is to do as much damage as possible pre-election isn’t it?

  20. CtrlAlt-Delete on

    Most companies are also bringing people back to the office. They’ve figured out that remote work is not as collaborative no matter how many Teams calls you do.

    I’m looking at it that we’ve almost doubled the public service under Trudeau and I don’t see an increase in service to Canadians. Time to cut back the Feds hard and redirect that money to the provinces where most of the services anyone cares about matters.

  21. Most likely Liberal insiders own the buildings these people work in. Can’t let them sit empty.

  22. Get sick, go to work, cough on every manager you can find, all managers then work from home for a while.

  23. Strong_Wasabi8113 on

    For how much government workers USUALLY make. They should be locked up 6 days a week.

  24. Dragonfly_Peace on

    Yes, it’s hard to go grocery shopping with your kids in tow during work hours if you’re in the office. Civil servants had a privilege, they abused it, and now it’s gone FAFO

  25. Lots of companies now hire world wide for remote. No reason to go back to the office. Covid created pressure to figure out how to hire cross borders and it’s as easy as hiring locally to hire employees with benefits anywhere in the world. Just check out Deel as an example.

  26. RedditUser_Lion on

    I went in to work and had a senior employee tell me that I was sitting in her juniors spot and that I had to get up or she would complain to the Director. She did this in front of other coworkers which was really embarrassing. I had to calmly tell her that it was my day to sit in this spot and that the coworker in question was on vacation anyways. I went in and complained about her behavior to HR and the Director and she got written in. All of this crap could have been avoided if I could just work from home.

    Another instance, a coworker came in and asked me whether I went to the gym regularly (I am on the heavier side). When I told him I prefer walking than going to the gym, he started talking about how he went to the gym and lost a ton of weight. All this while I was having lunch. This loser saw me get lunch and decided to berate me about my weight while I was eating. Another thing I could have avoided if I was working from home.

    Fox doesnt want to fix the issues of harrassment that people face on a daily basis that is avoided when we work from home.

  27. Liberals won’t rule out losing a few hundred thousand votes which would include a few hundred thousand more votes because of their children and significant other not voting for them.