1. SuperstitiousPigeon5 on

    The number of times Trump has “melted down” over something you’d think he’d be an elephants foot by now, rather than an elephant’s scrotum.

  2. As ever, Trump is just here being a whiny, hypocritical, lying bitch. He cheered this shit on when it was used against Hillary Clinton. No such “60-day rule” exists. It’s a guideline, and one the DOJ was ignoring back in 2016 when they were revealing new information about their Clinton investigation *eleven days* before the election.

    Trump supporters: You are coming up on the “no turning back” deadline for understanding just what a sorry piece of shit your candidate is and what *you* demonstrate yourselves to be when you support him.

  3. Turbo_Homewood on

    I guess Donny Dumbfuck should have done a better job of covering his ass instead of desperately trying to prevent us from finding out the details of his poorly orchestrated crimes.

  4. “I’m not a stinky poo-poo head! You’re a stinky poo-poo head!”
    -DJT & 500K 4th graders around the world

    Great defense!

  5. Exploiting elections to avoid accountability is yet another stain on the streak of shit on the conservatives and our government’s highest office.

  6. He throws a tantrum if his steak isn’t rocking on the plate smothered in ketchup. The dude is a rage machine

  7. SomeDudeSaysWhat on

    It’s like the 100th time someone makes a “Trump has a meltdown over something something” post here.

    Does it even matter at this point?

  8. Strict_Jacket3648 on

    Major hissy fit, a little bigger than usual but still a melt down on a day that ends in Y, so nothing new.

  9. Realistic_Lead8421 on

    Yeah, another yawnfest. No one that is thinking about voting Trump is going to care.

  10. 128-NotePolyVA on

    The crying game. Trump knew fraud claims were false, Trump also allegedly planned to declare victory even before the votes were fully tallied. Giuliani was hired to lead Trump’s post-election legal team after Trump fired his other lawyers for not being willing to push his fraud claims. Trump’s closest allies didn’t believe Trump’s fraud claims even as they helped push them. Ronna McDaniel refused to publicly back certain fraud claims because she was told they were “f–king nuts.”

  11. Just had a shudder go through me… imagine being this infantile and entitled your whole life and have it all start to slowly crumble around you as you’re in your declining years. I know he won’t learn from this. He won’t admit to a damn thing and deflect. But sweet lord how stunted a being that big oafish turd really is.

  12. Constant-Whole5090 on

    still, he will not lose a single vote from the cult he runs. thats a bigger irony.

  13. Crazy how “I didn’t do anything uhhhh uh uhhhh uhhhhh THEY DID!” Is a good enough defense for some people. No follow through or additional details, just “they say I shit my pants, well it was actually THEY who shit their pants!” While the base just claps like seals over their attention being directed to someone else, in the most transparent way someone could possibly try to direct their attention to someone else.

  14. Donald Trump is a Machiavellian person. He is very evil, and he uses people who follow him, to do his evil deeds