Image of Donald Trump wading through flood water is AI-generated | Fact check


  1. 1nGirum1musNocte on

    Pssh next thing you’re gonna tell me us the image of him on top of a cell tower is AI generated

  2. dirtyfacedkid on

    No fact checking needed. No way that motherfucker would do anything like that. Everyone outside of MAGA knows this.

  3. If we’re going to go AI we might as well just have him swimming through debris-filled waters carrying puppies to safety.

  4. You mean the guy that wouldn’t go to a WW1 memorial because it was raining DIDN’T move heroically through flood waters to help people?!

  5. MinorThreat83 on

    I wish he’d tried. Lol wouldn’t have to worry about his orange ass again, I guarantee it.

  6. Biden is visiting soon but he and Harris were busy approving aid and letting emergency crews rescue people before rushing for a photo op. (Also, I’m in NC and remember Trump’s admin rejecting 99% of the aid we requested after Hurricane Matthew so Trump can GTFOH.)

  7. I mean if a person thinks that a real picture, telling them it’s fake won’t make them believe otherwise.

  8. Last I checked he wasn’t cut like Adonis and riding shirtless on a lion while shooting AR-15’s either, but his cult believes it.

  9. Silly-Scene6524 on

    anyone who believes that image is a total idiot who doesn’t deserve internet access.

  10. Why do all websites have articles like “This photo of so-n-so is blah blah blah” and never have the photo in the articles?

  11. PixelatedGamer on

    Did this really need to be fact checked? Like, isn’t it painfully obvious that it’s fake?

  12. Plastic-Kangaroo1234 on

    I saw the photo in a legit news site being beamed at me from my windows laptop. I knew it was fake immediately, but plenty of people didn’t. Microsoft is complicit in this shit.

  13. Good thing we got a fact check on that. I was convinced it was true just like him working on cell towers.

  14. Didn’t Trump promise to drain the swamp during the last 2 elections? Is this another failed promise even with AI generated images?