Canada is sleepwalking into a refugee crisis. We need to act now


  1. Difficult-Yam-1347 on

    “It’s too late to fix the immigration disaster the Liberal government created (and yes, it’s one created amid warnings about housing pressures, about eroding public confidence in our vetting system, and about undermining the objectives of certain immigration streams. But the government can and should act to get ahead of the next phase of Canada’s immigration debacle.
    It is plainly obvious that Canada is spiralling toward a full-blown refugee crisis. There are clear signs: the number of refugee claims by people arriving at airports exploded in recent years thanks to the government’s 2016 decision to waive the visa requirement for travellers from Mexico (which was reinstated earlier this year), along with the decision to scrap the requirement that travellers from certain regions have return tickets before arriving. In 2023, 41,350 asylum claims were made at air ports of entry; in 2016 that figure was 3,040 – an increase of over 1,200 per cent. In 2023, 25,236 Mexican nationals claimed asylum in Canada, compared with just 250 in 2016. As of June, 2024, there are 29,146 claims from Mexican nationals still waiting to be heard.
    But it’s not just at airports. Immigration Minister Marc Miller noted in a Global News interview last month that his department is observing an “alarming trend” of international students claiming asylum once in Canada: nearly 13,000 so far this year”


  2. Bentstrings84 on

    Not going to happen until there’s a change in government. The Liberals and their supporters have really fucked this country up.

  3. dontspookthenetch on

    Sleepwalking? It looks like a full speed, eyes open, train running into a volcano to me.

  4. Is it really sleepwalking when so many of us are awake and aware but our cautions are just never heard?

  5. Coral8shun_COZ8shun on

    International students shouldn’t. BE allowed to claim asylum. If they want to claim asylum they ca. leave to go home and reapply. They should throw out any asylum claim from anyone who came here as a student. Period.

  6. It seems clear at this point that this government doesn’t actually want to govern, they just want to pass bills that activists and lobby groups have drafted so the Liberals can rake in donations now and board positions when they exit politics.

    From the multiple inquires going on, we know that ministers don’t read their emails, check their text messages or communicate with their staff. Either they are lying about it or they don’t care…probably both.

    So yeah, we are walking into a refugee crisis and probably a lot of other crises.

  7. PlaneTackle3971 on

    Criminals -> arriving Canada in student visa -> apply for refugee status -> commit crimes (4) -> arrested -> baited out -> repeat step (4)

    Our government open the student visa entrance door without any police criminal background check is like inviting criminal to lure us. The existing Liberal leaders should all be held legally and financially responsible for this epic failure.

  8. CoolDude_7532 on

    I hope people don’t start blaming Indians as usual, blame Mexicans who are the largest group of refugees/asylum seekers

  9. Why are we charging less tuition for asylum claimants? Or paying for housing and other benefits? This alone is a huge incentive to file a bogus claim, and there’s no international treaty preventing us from closing this loophole.

    If our own veterans can’t get these benefits (remember Trudeau saying “you are asking for more than we can give”), asylum claimants should not either.