Get ready for an October surprise.

Posted by 8-bit-Felix


  1. Melodic-Fudge703 on

    Clear as day. Too bad not a single maga gremlin has the capacity to see it that way.

  2. If the union was actually interested in doing what’s best for their members, they would be asking for a government sponsored program aimed at helping workers displaced by automation. The automation is coming no matter what. The only question is how do we, as a nation, take care of workers impacted by events entirely beyond their control. Older workers could benefit from early retirement. Younger workers could be retrained for other jobs.

  3. So you’re suggesting that when they negotiated the last contract, they specifically set it to expire the month before the 2024 presidential election with the intention of messing with the election? Not everything is some kind of conspiracy to hurt democrats. The contract expired and in the absence of a new one and managment refusing to meet their demands the members consented to a strike, that’s all there is to it.

  4. I’m guessing they were hoping Biden would step in and sign a bill to prevent the strike like he did with the rail workers so they could then paste him and Harris as fascist’s.

    They probably weren’t counting on them supporting the dock workers.

  5. I find it funny that Harris supports the ILA but the union boss is accused of supporting Trump. Which is it, buddy? You can’t have both here.

  6. I’m more of a conspiracy theorist every day, everything has to do with the election. Netenyahu expanding his war…to hurt the democrats in the election. Companies charging outrageous prices…well, greed. But also to hurt the economy and help Trump get elected. Wherever interests converge there is reason to at least consider conspiracy.

  7. mapoftasmania on

    Fortunately neither of them have any idea about economics. 19 days is not nearly enough time for this strike to bite.

  8. PapaSteveRocks on

    And, the ILA leader has threatened Biden directly regarding Taft Hartley. It’s quite transparent.

  9. I find the idea of a labour leader in cahoots with a fascist wanna-be dictator to get said wanna-be dictator elected to be highly suspect, especially in this age of disinformation. Anyone have any proof of this cahootening other than a single still photo?

  10. Reagan had the Iranian hostages. Trump will have the dockworker union.

    Get ready for totalitarianism.

  11. So sick of these union thugs. Strikes shouldn’t be allowed. Get to work and shut the fuck up. If you think you deserve more you’ll just end up with Trump, is that what you want?

  12. I mean, the CBA expired on the 30th. So it’s not like they just picked a random date.

    Further, while they could keep working under the terms of the old contract, they know the Biden is unlikely to step in because it will make Harris look bad so they can do this without political pressure.

    The holiday season is also coming up so there will be increased pressure from retailers on the companies to get a deal done.

    Cool meme tho I guess.