What happens if you fill the world’s population of 7.9 billion with the population density of major cities

Posted by mailinato


  1. Note : it’s probably taking the commune/département of Paris (intra muros), meaning 41 sq mi, 2,102,650 hab. and not the Parisian conurbation (or even the future Grand Paris). Meanwhile, London is a way bigger political entity (606.96 sq mi, 8,799,800 hab.)

  2. But but but, we’re over populated already!

    More like we keep producing and consuming shit we don’t need, and call it progress.

  3. Despite spending time in both Paris and London, I never knew Paris was so much more densely populated!

  4. This is why I laugh when people say there are too many people and the world is running out of space and resources. Plenty of space and resources. Distribution is the issue.

  5. I knew Houston was spread out, but wow, a density of only about 3800 ppl per sq mi. It’s a large city by definition, but I’d imagine it doesn’t feel very urban in practice.