EU could die, warns Emmanuel Macron


  1. ***The Telegraph reports:***

    The EU “could die” unless it makes itself more competitive with the US and China, [Emmanuel Macron]( has warned.

    The French president said [the bloc]( was over-regulating and under-investing at the Berlin Global Dialogue event.

    Washington and Beijing both outstripped the EU in economic output and investment, he said, before calling on the bloc to complete its banking union package of financial rules.

    Member states also needed to press for global trade rules to be kept fair, he added, according to Bloomberg.

    “The EU could die, we are on a verge of a very important moment,” Mr Macron said. “Our former model is over – we are over-regulating and under-investing. In the two to three years to come, if we follow our classical agenda we will be out of the market.”

    Mr Macron’s remarks echo some of the findings of a [landmark report by Mario Draghi,]( the former Italian prime minister. His report demanded a wider “industrial strategy for Europe”, involving €800 billion (£673 billion) in annual investment to prevent the EU from falling behind the US [and China](

    **Read more:** [****](

  2. gaukonigshofen on

    Definitely outsourcing jobs overseas is not the way for growth. Yes it saves on production costs(little to no savings for the consumer -go figure)
    But you take away jobs which helps the consumers spend instead of relying on government support.

  3. In order to ensure our security and continuing stability, the EU will be reorganised into the First European Empire, for a safe and secure society.

  4. A lot of this is why Brexit happened, angry people with no future but continued decline. Ironically this very paper incited them to blame EU membership. On a flip side things like banning aspects of ai are not helping the view of EU over regulation.

  5. johannesonlysilly on

    We’re not an federation, because of that there’s no real budget, it doesen’t stop countries doing big projects together though. But yes we’ve already regulated away any chance for success.

  6. Honestly brexit was a slow wound that’s unlikely to ever heal, the UK was pretty critical in balancing the avarice of France and Germany with the needs of the wider body and had invested years building up the relationships with the newer members.

    The value add from the UK had very little to do with anything economic or scientific, although both helped. It was far more to do with the internal politics and power dynamics and the fact they played the honest broker and had the clout to organise the new members against Germany and France when it mattered from a position of it often not mattering to them except in principle.

    Ever since you’ve seen a March to the right and the EU losing its grip as Germany and France had to work against decades of emnity created from having their hands in the cookie jar. And ironically brexit showed how hard leaving is, which meant countries that actually should leave maybe come back or not and may have aren’t leaving.

    I’ve been a big advocate for the EU, but post brexit and given the current political situation inside and out I’m not sure the EU is able to do what it needs to given what it needs to do is something it’s never been able to achieve during times.when it was better able to do it.

  7. yosarian_reddit on

    Macron is a neoliberal in a world where neoliberalism has lost all popular support. Europeans are not going to copy the inhuman working standards of the US and China. Especially not to make Macron’s finance buddies richer.

  8. > “In the two to three years to come, if we follow our classical agenda we will be out of the market.”

    Sounds exaggerated, but in some important segments of the economy that might be true, in particular the automobile industry and AI.

  9. Europe for me is very demotivating. Only those who do exactly as the government wants or those who are complete frauds are doing well.

  10. Their not listening to what the people want. Like it’s great for funding infrastructure and some laws. But leave the rest to the independent countries. Everyone is different with each own set of values.

  11. ‘So what are some important things to note on the horizon, when planning for the future’

    ‘Well, if we don’t do things I say we should, hmm, the EU.. Could er.. it could DIE!’

    Lol giving me the Lois mayoral election on family guys vibes.

    Obviously: this is not a direct quote of Macron, no spreading misinformation now, and not some political dig or view either way, just found it amusing how dramatic it sounds and how similar that is to stuff from that particular episode.

  12. Over-regulations is the reason why I love the EU though. Eating all the shit Americans an Chinese do? No thank you.

  13. Responsible-Mix4771 on

    What microchips, solar panels or AI? Nearly FIVE years after the outbreak of Covid, all tests are still being imported from China!!! We haven’t learned a thing. We still can’t make a simple test for a freaking virus.  

    The problem is that we’re still thinking on a national level not a continental one.

  14. Outsourcing your security to your unstable cousin across the Atlantic, energy production from the alcoholic uncle up north, and goods Winnie the Pooh… yeah probably not a sustainable model for growth.

  15. sploggerEater on

    basically the only multinational org doing positive things for the globe. Another gold star for humanity /s 

  16. Cathousechicken on

    Another thing that you has to deal with is the disinformation campaign by Russia to erode the power of the EU. It’s much easier for Russia to gain greater hegemonic power if another hegemonic block power becomes weakened.

    The rise of Brexit and now the greater rise in right-wing populism come right out of their playbook for their plans for what they want to do to the EU.

  17. I see nothing wrong with anything Mr Macon said. Americans have been saying it for years but it took an orange madman to get the point across. EU really needs to stand on its own feet.