Climate change is causing algal blooms in Lake Superior for the first time in history


  1. For the first time in our *recorded* history.

    We’ve only been here a few hundred years. Lake superior is 10 000 years old and the last warming event happened 1100 years ago, where temps matched or exceeded the 1900-2010 period. No one was here recording the nature of lake superior during the medieval warming period. The temperature ranges were similar enough that its quite likely this bloom happened then.

    Un-necessary hyperbole just undermines the message.

    And frankly, unnecessary hyperbole is the conversations MO. It’s a fucking rag. And it’s not a source for science or technology stories. It’s all op-eds all the way down.

    LOL at op blocking me for calling out the crappy headline and questionable source.

  2. gardiandhobbes on

    First time in history…..more like first time since humans started tracking it. History is more than a hundred years old!

  3. Lol yeah “climate change” riiiiiight. Chemicals from agriculture have nothing to do with it.

  4. The article doesn’t get into any form of analysis of about the contribution of temperature vs. nutrients that lead to algal growth.

    Spoiler alert.
    Algal blooms in superior are 2% due to increases in surface temperature (which has only gone up 2-3C in decades) and it’s 98% due to the massive increases in nutrient loading (agricultural runoff) that’s NOT being managed properly.

    There are many many articles behind the relative effects of temperature vs. Nutrients on algal growth.

    Dumb article. Pay your carbon taxes and feel good, people!


  5. FutureCrankHead on

    Lot of climate scientists in this thread. It’s good to know we have all the experts weighing in here.

  6. mightocondreas on

    When I was a kid we fixed a damaged ozone layer, this lake on earth should be a piece of cake

  7. monkeytitsalfrado on

    It is not climate change causing it, it’s increased runoff of fertilizers from farm land. This has been happening on the west side of lake Erie forever and they’ve known for decades that it’s from the farm runoff.

  8. Damn, a lot of arm chair climate experts in the comments who also thing climate change isn’t real and the earth has been the same flat thing for 6000 years lmao