Stronger doors won't stop school shootings—schools already have commercial-grade doors, and no shooter has ever breached one. This isn't a door problem, it's a gun problem, and pretending otherwise is dangerously out of touch. I'm not saying ban guns but don't come at me with thicker doors.

Posted by Individual-Pound-636


  1. Individual-Pound-636 on

    Yes went with minge based on Golden Globe 2020 basically saying that’s the most television appropriate way to talk about the female vulva in a comedic setting.

  2. ParanoidValkMain57 on

    I kicked one these doors 4 times when i was a dumb teenager that forgot to get my backpack out of art class.

    Yes those doors are thick as fuck.

  3. CurrentlyLucid on

    You might think vance would care as his kids are just entering school. But, nah, politics over family, country, etc.

  4. CascadiaRocks on

    How would they afford this? The entire budget is spent doing trans gender conversion so the kids can be sent home to their parents the same day as a different sex.

  5. TWO armed registered Republicans tried to take out Trump and STILL the GOP does nothing.

  6. Budget_Llama_Shoes on

    These doors were meant to stop nature’s most destructive force, the teenage boy.

  7. Let’s stop “dialgouing” or responding to the idiotic statements that these extremists make. Let’s just say it like it is: “People who refuse to have gun control want child murders to continue.”

  8. Yes, and the solution to domestic abuse is stronger bathroom doors. Just like the solution to drunk driving is better car seats for babies. And the solution to racism is segregation.

  9. Turns out they help the shooters just as much as impede them. It was also enough to keep the Uvalde police out for an hour and 15 minutes.

  10. Republicans pass new law mandating all school shootings to take place indoors. During recess and before/after school or at sporting events is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN

  11. uvedale had a n armed police officer on site and HUNDREDS more showed up, and still dozens of deaths

  12. When someone suggests every “solution” (no matter how silly) except the obvious one, are they really trying to fix anything?

  13. There can’t be any school shootings if there aren’t any schools.
    All the boys will go to coal mines or factories. All the girls will start getting ready to be brooding mares.
    All this and more when Project 2025 gets implemented by the GQP Regime.

  14. >In speaking with Fox News’ Sean Hannity, Trump’s son Eric questioned how much longer this can continue. “My father is running out of lives here,” he said. “How many more rifles are going to come within assassination distance of my father?”

    Maybe we should require Trump visit dozens of random schools a day as community service when he’s sentenced.

    You won’t know which school district, city, county, state, or route.

    But we need to have guns removed from a several hundred yard radius of any airport, roads, paths, schools Trump could potentially be at.

    You know, to keep Trump safe.

  15. Of all the out of context and bad faith arguments I see on Reddit, this is as high up as making a thing out of Walz saying he has befriended school shooters. We are so off base as a country.

  16. “Senator Vance, you said that you wanted to beef up security at schools to fix the problem of active shooters. On a scale of [Jeffrey Epstein’s jail cell] to [Donald Trump’s rallies and golf course], how secure would our nation’s elementary schools be under your administration?”