Myki workers “arresting” a uni student for not tapping on. Reasonable or a gross use of force?

Posted by Unusual_Trust_9893


  1. Dizzy_Set_6031 on

    According to the posters on public transport ticketos are supposed to detain you until the police arrive not whatever this is

  2. A pathetic knowledge of judo all around.

    Not a single one of them is ready to receive his limp penis!

  3. There must be more to this story than this. Not even the lame police wannabes Myki crew would do this for that reason only right…

  4. notthinkinghard on

    I feel like we might need more context – it might be reasonable if he started trying to physically fight the officers or something?

    Doesn’t change the fact that they’re cowards who only go for easy targets. How many times have they just ignored the person who’s a huge nuisance, clearly high and 0% chance of being tapped on? I’m sure uni students are much easier to deal with.

  5. More videos here with audio, they look much more violent in these videos:


    Those two are from a facebook post with the captions reposted here (myki inspector alert space group):

    >Today, on the 601 Monash shuttle bus, a poor young man—part of an ethnic group and likely just a student trying to get to class—was ruthlessly tackled by five Myki officers. His crime? Trying to escape a fine for not tapping on. When he attempted to get away, the officers, slammed him to the ground. Pinned mercilessly, the student struggled to breathe, but the officers pressed him down even harder. In the second video, you can see him desperately begging them to lift his face, gasping for air.This brutal scene dragged on for some time, causing significant delays for the other passengers. The officers even instructed the bus driver not to continue the route—just so they could fine this one man. Other Monash students were made late to class, all because of the officers’ need to punish a single student without a shred of compassion.

    This posts video is reposted from here: [](

  6. Johnny__Escobar on

    This is so disgusting, you can barely see the guy that are pinning down…

    Wear some tighter pants bro.

  7. Confident-You787 on

    V Line officers had training yesterday on how to restrain/subdue their passengers. Maybe the metro mob had the same training and wanted to put it to real life use?!

  8. Take-Out-Gundi on

    Of course more context is needed but the code of conduct for ‘arrests’ that a PTV Officer is:

    (An AO should only arrest a person as a last resort when they have no other lawful choices. Arresting a person should not be the first response as it deprives that person of their liberty. This is always a serious matter.

    The need to arrest a person should be fully corroborated, regardless of whether the arrest is accompanied by conflict.
    As soon as the reason for the arrest ceases to exist, the person arrested must be informed that he or she is “no longer under arrest” and is “free to leave”.

    If an arrest is recklessly or negligently effected or maintained contrary to these requirements, the AO may be liable to disciplinary consequences and/or to civil or criminal action for false unlawful arrest or false imprisonment. Such an arrest may also be considered to be an abuse of power.

    When an AO arrests a person, he or she may only use force that is reasonable in all the circumstances to effect that purpose, which in most cases will be to obtain confirmation of an identity.)

    From the looks of it the ‘arrest’ looks reckless and thus breaks the code of conduct, so if I was him I would push this as far as it would go.

  9. Unsure without context. They’re allowed to arrest people if they determine its required for you to go to court. Typically this means if you don’t identify yourself, because they require that information to report you to the transport department.

    This seems egregious because we mostly agree that Melbourne’s transport system is a complete joke and don’t take it as seriously as the officers do, but it’s not necessarily unlawful.

    Trying to evade does constitute “reasonable grounds” for detainment, so if the student tried to leg it, yeah, they can arrest them with force.

  10. Disgraceful. I don’t give a fuck whether he refused to give his name and address, this should never be the consequence for not having a valid ticket.

  11. Earning $90k a year each to beat the shit out of immigrants who didn’t pay a $5 bus fare

    Absolute credits to society, where would we be without these pigs in different wigs

  12. Competitive_Boss_312 on

    Hasnt paid $5.30 to board a bus. Excessive? Hell yeah!

    Hate to see if he got caught stealing A $300 of Bollinger from Dan Murphy? Tasered and shot? 🤣🤷‍♂️

    Massively OTT from 3-4 ego-maniacal power hungry rent a cops trying to show their superiority and power. Sad but the norm

  13. Whoever has the video and thinks it is over the top – esp if it is the person assaulted, then they should report it.

  14. “The use of unnecessary force in the apprehension of the Blues Brothers, has been authorized.”

  15. Fuck ticket inspectors, they fined a relative of mine for not having a ticket. She’s clearly mentally ill and has learning difficulties. It escalated to court and the judge threw the case out and told the ticket inspectors off. The worst part was the next time she didn’t have money for a ticket, she walked from Hawthorn to Box Hill on a hot day because she was scared to get fined again.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if the ticket inspectors did this with little provocation, they’re power hungry thugs.

  16. Anybody who defends this shit needs their head checked.

    The only thing that would justify this is if the person being restrained presents a danger to the public.

  17. Fantastic_Key_6645 on

    At least they’re not shoving people off moving trains anymore. Progress!

    There was one stage where they were told to reduce force after a couple of scathing Ombudsman reports regarding their conduct.

  18. Looks like an easy kill for Mr faux enforcer with his take badge. I bet there are actual sketchy people who they wouldn’t even go near.

  19. WhenWillIBelong on

    Wish they instead patrolled intersections and arrested every driver that decided to put other people’s lives at risk to save 30 seconds at a light. But I guess I’ll make do with violently beating down on the people with the least money for not paying an arbitrary toll.

    That said, this isn’t really for not tapping on right?

  20. Victoria want to try the transit officer thing huh?

    NSW did it already, introduced in 2002 to replace actual security guards. By 2014 it was so bad the state government had to get rid of them entirely and get NSW police to take over.

    But by all means try it guys 🙄

  21. unripenedfruit on

    Look, clearly we don’t have the full context here…

    But why the fuck are ticket inspectors dressed like they’re part of some tactical unit? Vests, utility belt, black tactical boots

    The guy in the sunnies looks like the kind of bloke that would be hanging for the excuse to tackle a fare evader.

    How are these guys even allowed (if they’re allowed) to use such level of force. These muppets have no training on how to safely restrain and arrest people.