1. Want to know why people are cutting back on drinking?

    Shits too fucking expensive.

    “But people are smoking more pot now. So obviously its not because of the price! HA.”

    That’s not people “smoking more.” That’s the black market sales translating into open market. Pot has only been “legal” in Canada since 2018, then it took a few years for legal shops to start manufacturing it and selling it to distributors.

    That 16% year over year. Isn’t “more consumption” it’s just the market moving from dealers to distributors. The same amount of pot is still being smoked it’s just not able to be tracked because it’s in the open market.

    The bigger news story would be organized crimes loss of revenue from it’s legalization.

  2. Bread-Like-A-Hole on

    This has been a topic of debate in my social circles for a while. The overarching theory is we’ll look back on drinking the same way we look back on smoking.

  3. Similar-Excuse1130 on

    Dude I’m not paying $30 or whatever it is now for a 12 pack. I’d rather just drink water. Unless it’s a social gathering I’ll stick to weed.

    $60 worth of weed lasts me 2 – 3 months.

  4. Fun-Shake7094 on

    Basically every person I know drinks at least 7 drinks a week. They might not realize that a bottle of wine is 6, or that those free pour rum n cokes are about 3oz each….

  5. Affectionate_Math_13 on

    I haven’t quit drinking, I’ve just quit drinking shitty club/pub/restaurant drinks. Now I’ll have a drink every couple weeks or so when the occasion is right, get higher quality and end up paying less because it’s much less often.

  6. When I was in the habit of drinking regularly I was fine and enjoyed drinking. I cut back after an increase in drinking during the pandemic and I started feeling way healthier. Eventually I would go weeks without drinking, and when I had a drink again, over time I would feel worse, so I just stopped drinking. Now I have acid reflux almost every time I drink alcohol.

    It’s also horribly expensive. I still miss the $5 pints (real sized pints) of beer I could get in Windsor back prior to 2020.

  7. Emergency-Ranger-982 on

    Hangover anxiety isn’t fun when the horrid thoughts of shrinkflation, inflation, tipflation, taxflation take your mind over and cripple you into a sweaty fetal position.

  8. Diligent_Hawk_8212 on

    When a 6 pack of beer costs upwards of $20 if not more, people will cut on drinking.

  9. Paleontologist_Scary on

    Came here to see if my province is in the top, and it seem so.

    When I go to other provinces I’ve realize that people in the ROC seems to drink less then Québécois.

    I don’t know if it’s because we have so many amazing microbrewries and that we have a culture of drinking beer in Québec.

  10. Baulderdash77 on

    I’ve cut my alcohol by >75% this year. I was getting overweight and dropping the 1-2 drinks a day I was having was an easy way to cut 200 calories a day.

    It seriously adds up over time and I’ve managed to lose a substantial amount of weight just trimming alcohol and junk food and getting in more cardio.

    I use to drink probably 10 -14 drinks a week before and been down to 1-2 was one of the best choices I’ve made in years.

  11. Normally, this would be my answer as I go weeks without a drink, sometimes months, but I had friends in town and Saturday we spent the day on Whyte Ave so I had 12 on Saturday alone, but in my defense we were there 12 hours and drank probably as much or more water.

  12. ApprehensiveAd6603 on

    I’m sure one reason is it’s so expensive now. I went out to a restaurant last week and tallboys were $10-13. Cocktails $18-20. I feel sorry for the students lol

  13. I’ve basically stopped drinking alcohol for the past couple of months and I’ve been feeling very good both physically and financially. Not that I was a heavy drinker before, I just lost the little interest I had in drinking

  14. Fantastic_Wishbone on

    Lol I was visiting family and had a couple. celebrations to attend… 30 maybe? Maybe more. 😬

  15. Infamous_Box3220 on

    I recently had surgery that required me to give up alcohol. My daughter introduced me to de-alcoholized beer. Tastes the same and is much cheaper. I am now allowed the occasional beer, but for the most part I am drinking the non-alcoholic stuff.

  16. shadowmtl2000 on

    i gave it up completely i’m too old for hangovers like i’m pushing 40 ain’t got no time to be down for 2-3 days lol

  17. I stopped drinking over Christmas our beer prices went up 3 times in 2 months a 24 pk now cost 48 dollars….nope don’t need that bill

  18. I’ll have a beer every once in a while or a wine with dinner on occasion now but thats about it.

    I don’t even look at the booze menu if I go out, only exception is a beer at the Honda Indy at a ridiculous $14 or $16 for a tall can. Leaf and Jay games are probably as bad.

    I can remember the days a pitcher of draft after playing baseball or hockey was 7 bucks. Long time ago.

  19. Quick_Dog8552 on

    It’s probably because alcohol is freakin expensive here. I see 30 packs of bud light for $50. FIFTY. It is always surprising. I’m from the states and could get a 30 pack of bud light for like $20

  20. Particular-Act-8911 on

    Cannabis goes a lot further for the money you spend, good alcohol is expensive. Plus the recovery from weed is better, the day after isn’t compromised.

  21. Too damn expensive. I don’t drink anymore unless it’s in Europe where beer is cheaper than soft drinks.

  22. I’ve cut out buying it. Mostly as it’s gotten too expensive. I have, however, started to make my own wine as a hobby. It’s something to do and makes the drinking more rewarding and in lower quantity.