Republicans are extremely mad that CBS fact-checked JD Vance’s lies about Haitians


  1. He lied all day, CBS couldn’t let that one slide, as it hurts Haitian human beings and the city of Springfield with bomb threats.

  2. SubjectNo5281 on

    Of course they are. 

    Being fact checked is like kryptonite for conservatives. 

    They operate in their own crazy little world of echo chambers where all the deluded stuff they were told about how their in group is the best and the others are scary and bad is considered gospel, and anybody saying anything to the contrary is a deep state plant out to get them. 

    Fact checking the insanity in real time is like someone slapping them across the face and forcing them to deal with a small dose of reality, even if it’s just for a few minutes, and it’s fucking horrible for them. I’d be mad too if I spent most of life brainwashing myself on purpose and then someone came along and questioned the brainwashing.

  3. Apprehensive-Face-81 on

    It wasn’t even a fact check – they just made sure everyone at home understood the legal status of the immigrants both candidates were referring to.

  4. a9JDvXLWHumjaC on

    So the gop hates facts, truth, evidence, and an orderly society.
    Which means the gop loves chaos, lies, racism, hatred, and destruction.
    Makes sense then, that the gop choose trump to spearhead their P2025 plan to destroy America.

  5. RandoCollision on

    One particularly interesting moment that many may have missed was when Vance screamed into the microphones:

    “The government is being run by a race of alien Jewish lizard people who are using gigantic seed pods to replace Americans with zombies from Mexico and Haiti. If you’re watching this debate, don’t fall asleep! That’s when they get you! They’re coming for you!! They are coming for us all!!”

    “Senator, that is not true.”

    “?! Why are you only fact checking me? That’s against the debate rules.”

  6. JubalHarshaw23 on

    “Jesus! If you aren’t gonna let us lie, What’s Next? You won’t let us rig elections? Where does it end?!?!?!?”

    — Republicans everywhere

  7. I knew that, although it was warranted, that the Right would make a big deal out of it to make up for the fact that Vance was lying so much.

  8. >Hatians Eating Dogs is our entire strategy. Give them HED and they’ll vote for you every time.

    ~JD “Whatever Sounds Human” Vance

  9. Yousoggyyojimbo on

    I had one arguing with me last night that they aren’t legal, and when they got hit with proof they were they started ranting like they were about to have a stroke and insulting everybody they could see.

    The guy started going off about “Kamala’s App” that grants people immediate residency status.

    These folks are crazy.

  10. What does it say about a political party that easily verifiable facts are so threatening and offensive to them?

  11. Squirrel_Chucks on

    Megyn Kelly was more concise: “F you CBS – how DARE YOU,” she wrote on X.

    Says the woman fired from NBC for saying blackface was OK.

    I don’t think she should be listened to when it comes to appropriate on air conduct.

    Here are some things Kelly said when hosting a 2015 debate of Republican primary hopefuls. I think all of these were directed at Trump?

    >“Would you really let a mother die rather than have an abortion?”

    >”When did you actually become a Republican?”

    >“You’ve called women you don’t like fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals…”

    Trump’s reaction was later to suggest Kelly was getting period blood all over the place.

    Compared to this the CBS mods were not outrageous at all, but the goals are on wheels for Kelly and her ilk, so…

  12. ranchoparksteve on

    I see it as CBS not wanting the debate to be a platform for hate speech. If Vance can’t avoid defamatory propaganda then that’s not CBS’s problem.

  13. Vance admitted on interview that the story was “created” to focus attention on immigration, and continues to push the same lies.

    Springfield is under attack with fake bomb threats, personal threats, and threats of schools causing closings

    This, because of deliberate, calculated stories.

    As a former teacher, seeing how children are affected, only have words that would get me banned.

    Vance did not win this debate. He instead, motivated a GOTV against everything MAGA.

  14. digitaldisease on

    Was I hallucinating when he kind of ranted about misinformation being censored was a bad thing?

  15. Q: Trump lost in 2020, yes or no?
    A: I grew up very poor and my mama was an addict, in school I knew many girls that were having sex. After enlisting in the Marine Corps I was told to be a Public Affairs specialist and then I became a US Senator and called Trump a Nazi.

  16. MinimumApricot365 on

    He admitted he was lying IMMEDIATELY after being fact checked. But it’s the fact check that is the issue?

  17. Republicans have become so extreme that they’re now attacking facts. They literally think that fact-checking is liberal bias. Vance literally tried to defend misinformation last night instead of admitting that Trump lost the 2020 election. We can’t allow people that hate facts to lead this country

  18. If they allowed that lie to be amplified by their network then they would have exposed themselves to a lawsuit. They aren’t that stupid.

  19. PecanPizzaPie on

    Let’s not forget this little nugget from Vance at the debate.

    *”And it’s Kamala Harris saying that rather than debate and persuade her fellow Americans, she’d like to censor people who engage in misinformation. I think that is a much bigger threat to democracy than anything that we’ve seen in this country in the last four years, in the last 40 years.”*

    So he is saying that a big threat to democracy is stopping people from spreading bullshit.

  20. JD Vance and Republicans are significantly more upset about their lies being called out than they are about people making bomb threats at schools and government buildings in JD Vance’s own state.

  21. Doubt we’ll ever see a republican participate in a presidential or vice presidential debate again. They can’t risk the MAGA cult having their collective cognitive dissonance compromised by basic fact checks.

  22. Significant-Dog-8166 on

    MAGA’s are very sensitive about people challenging their lies. They just melt like snowflakes. Weak people, no ideals, no morality, just the endless pursuit of dishonesty for partisan power over their cultural enemies.

  23. Quayle

    The ONLY person to support Trump is PALIN. These are all the people still alive that have been in a presidential ticket!!

    What else to republicans need to know? Trump is NOT qualified to be President! These are people over FIVE decades rejecting him!!

  24. Sure_Quality5354 on

    The funny thing about facts is that they are ideologically neutral. Any political party is capable of telling lies. So if the facts are not on your side, that is not a signal of “political bias”, its a sign that you are wrong

  25. weitzenheimer on

    I just realized something. For 4 years the Republicans have been screeching that Ol Joe Biden is going to be Article 25th’d and KAMALA WILL BE PRESIDENT!!!
    But after watching Slick Rick last night piercing us all with his icy blues and talking about his 3 beautiful children and I just want to stop the censorship…
    And seeing Trump decompensate before our eyes…
    I have a strong feeling that if Trump somehow wins this election those fuckers are going to Article 25 Trump on January 21st and then explain it away like, hey it’s his idea, not a coup at all and then it’s full speed to a Christian Nationalist government

  26. BillButtlickerII on

    If you read their pathetic comments on conservative subs they actually believe Vance did well last night. They are so fucking delusional and bitter it’s hilarious.

  27. Vance gave his “alternate” facts

    His arrogance. The Yale elite dude really thinks we are that stupid.

    Herpes is more popular than Vance.

  28. This entire Haitian thing is by far the most bizarre and ridiculous self inflicted wound a political campaign has ever done that I can recall. Attacking a set group of people and developing a new stereotype 2 months out from a tight election? where significant populations live in several swing states? it’s SO weird. This earned them zero new supporters and certainly lost them many on the fence(or straight up Haitians). It’s straight up facebook grandma ass racism. I’m not surprised Trump went down this road, but that Vance willingly didn’t just change the subject is stunning.