Father and son among eight charged over ‘torture’ of woman in Dublin flat


Posted by That_Technician_439


  1. cinclushibernicus on

    >Dublin District Court has heard that a “makeshift blowtorch”, heated hammerheads, iron bars, and a stick were used to injure and beat her around her head and body after she was brought to a north inner city flat last Thursday.

    Jesus christ that’s terrifying. She’s lucky to be alive

  2. DesignerWest1136 on


    Still waiting for the Irish patriot protectors of the women and children to take to the streets on this one…

  3. OrlandoGardiner118 on

    Dirty, dragged up fuckers raising new dirty dragged up fuckers. How can you do that to a person. Suspended sentences for all probably.

  4. Kooky_Guide1721 on

    Fella mentioned in the previous day was involved in that business where a woman was scalded with a kettle of water over a drug debt.

  5. This is fucking terrifying and disgusting!!! What the actual fuck! Just imagine what it must have been like for that poor woman?!!! Eight men standing around you like that, with intentions to seriously hurt you!!! How could anyone recover from something like this!?! If I even hear a sniff of the word “suspended….”, I will absolutely fear for the women and children of Ireland !

  6. Nothanksneedprivacy4 on

    Actual scum of the earth. I hope they get years, and the unkind part of me also hopes they get an absolute hiding in prison.

  7. the worst part about it for me as that I don’t think they’d have went to this extent if it was a man with a drug debt. Probably because there’s a better chance he can defend himself. They’d beat the shit out of him and humiliate him for sure but the extent they went with her feels intentional. They knew full well they had the upper hand on her and did whatever they could think of because of that fact.

    What did they need 7 lads to go do that to a woman for? You can feel the bloodthirst from them when you read what they did.

  8. New_Trust_1519 on

    Shit like this happens all the time tbh. I know a few people that were beaten or worse even raped over drug related stuff

  9. There is far too many scumbags for quite a small city, and it’s just gonna keep happening because they always have kids.

  10. ElvisMcPelvis on

    That poor lady I hope she’s getting lots of aftercare & this situation I feel is another reason why the government should consider legislation of certain drugs, take the market & the income away from these scum bags.

  11. Ambitious_Bill_7991 on

    No doubt they’re all repeat offenders with hundreds, if not thousands of convictions between them.

    This is where soft sentencing gets us. They have no fear of the justice system.

    Time to bury these subhuman scumbags beneath the prison.

  12. SupermarketLate9466 on

    Wonder if this the same crowd who sell drugs around the corner of Domink St and Parnell St. A stain on society.