I found these (6-7 in total) in a truck when my father starter his business, I threw them to the side since I thought its Russian, but now that I took a look at it I realized that its BR currency. That being said, is it even usable? I checked google but man is it confusing, there is some new valute and I dont know if this is new or old or what, I also cant quess its worth, I got results from 5, 20, 100 and almost 300 euros. I mean I dont think I can exchange it to RSD, but if its any worth I might just stop by to BR when I go to PL in a few months so, surprise me
Posted by CrystaSera
Nah it’s barely 30 cents or so, older money that’s no longer exchanged or accepted, so just keep it for collection value
Just keep it as a souvenir from Belarus.
Its our old currency, not in circulation anymore
Now it’s 1/10 of a rouble. While 1 usd equals rougly to 3 roubles. About 0.03 of a dollar so.
On antique markets could be half of a dollar at max.
You also cannot excahnge it to new currency. It’s either not possible. Or only at the central bank up to 2025 or so.
I remember times when these was equal to 1 usd. Which is prettu funny.
You look at history…