Trump backs out of “60 Minutes” interview after appearing confused at Wisconsin rally


  1. MidwestHacker on

    Remember when Trump was crowing about how Biden was too old and confused to be president? More projection, it turns out.

  2. I can’t wait for the media to suggest Trump is unfit and should drop out to allow vance to run for president. Oh wait …

  3. I can’t wait for the media to suggest Trump is unfit and should drop out to allow vance to run for president. Oh wait …

  4. >The 78-year-old first confused the leaders of North Korea and Iran, and then suggested that 34 soldiers who suffered traumatic brain injuries from an Iranian attack during his presidency were merely experiencing “headaches.”

    >In a post on X, Sen. Brian Shatz, D-Hawaii, said Trump’s confused speech in Milwaukee, along with his withdrawal from “60 Minutes,” is enough to wonder “if there’s actually something going on.”

    >”I think it’s reasonable to watch this clip, add the withdrawal from a 60 minutes interview, and wonder if there’s something actually going on. I don’t know- maybe he’s fine, but it’s not a wacky or nasty thing to inquire about,” he wrote, linking to video of Trump’s speech.

    But his supporters will believe he was just wading through flood waters to save people and definitely not in a steep cognitive decline.

  5. itsatumbleweed on

    The TBIs as “headaches” should be the focus of every news cycle. That’s just gross

  6. Many people, some of the best people, are talking about Trump’s obvious cognitive decline and low energy. It’s sad, really. People come up to me and ask “Sir, are you aware Trump is losing it?” I say yes, but do have you noted how well still applies his daily makeup? Few people know this but he just uses a spatula. Amazing. Not a big one; a small one but still, a spatula!

  7. ChoosenUserName4 on

    Hurry up and start convicting this guy before he’s too far gone to realize he’s locked up sharing a cell with a guy called “Bubba”.

  8. He’s done doing genpop stuff entirely – the campaign knows that all he can do is get people to vote for Harris because dems win with increased voter turnout. They are not trying to increase turnout, they’re just keeping the base lubed up to vote

    No one should be surprised at this or suggest that he’s scared – this is a campaign decision plain and simple

  9. if he wins there’s no way he finishes his term. probably issues a blanket pardon to himself, resigns, and hops on his trump plane to moscow by January 22nd.

  10. UncleGarysmagic on

    I’m sure the media will spend the next month questioning Trump’s mental fitness to be president.

    Oh, wait, it’s just “Trump being Trump.” Never mind.

  11. seedyourbrain on

    « They also insisted on doing live fact checking, which is unprecedented. »

    That’s just called an “interview.”

  12. fortunate_bungle on

    He won’t debate and he’s unlikely to do any interviews outside Fox, Newsmax etc because his rhetoric has become more bonkers and simultaneously somehow more authoritarian. It’s a bad combo that he absolutely doesn’t want to be taken to task over. 

  13. Captainbulmer on

    CBS said the primetime special will go forward in some fashion. Great! How about a montage of all the fucked up shit Trump has done during, and after his presidency. Although, it would be technically impossible to fit it all in a 60 minutes episode.

  14. franklinton-photo on

    Dude fell asleep repeatedly in his felony trial where he was found guilty. How the actual fuck is his name still appearing in the news?!

  15. ad_venturetime on

    They’ve already pivoted. Head on over to browse the dumpster fire in conservative subs and you’ll see they’re already claiming how incredible Vance is after last nights debate and how he’s “definitely the future of the party”.

    A congressman with literally 2 years of experience is the future of the party and in those eyes perfectly capable of being president of the US OF A.

    Something something cognitive dissonance something

  16. -ifeelfantastic on

    I think his campaign is gonna try to make Vance the spokesperson in the mainstream. Trump will continue to rally up the MAGAs but I don’t think they want to undo any sane-washing that Vance was able to achieve last night. Just my prediction. 

  17. Trump never turns down a chance to get airtime. He lives for the attention.

    So, somebody on his staff must have put a stop to the interview because they realized what a trainwreck that interview would be.

    Trump’s campaign staff is in total damage-control mode right now. They would rather he stay in his safe-spaces: his rallies and friendly conservative news outlets where he won’t be asked any real hardball questions.

  18. Johnny-kashed on

    I’m very curious to see what happens when his mental decline can’t be covered for. Because we’re approaching that moment faster than I think people realize, and it is going to be a weird thing to watch. MAGAts have a very specific image of Donald Trump in their minds. He will either die, or hit a breaking point that can’t be covered up, and it will genuinely shatter the reality of millions of Americans who truly view him as a demigod.

  19. The rumor I heard is that Trump had some sort of mental health event recently – a stroke perhaps? I’m sure the campaign would cover it up, whatever it was. To his far right handlers, Trump is like a puppet with their hands up his ass to the elbow. (edit spelling)

  20. He’s getting too old for this, along with being obese and under sleeping. I am closer to half his age and already feeling the effects of poor diet and decades of sleep deprivation. Always so tired, man. Super high BP as well as a skinny guy.  I don’t know how these folks can campaign at their ages.

  21. So the closing arguments before election day will be made at the Univision town halls?

  22. Spineless old don, weirdo, liar, felon, rapist just to highlight a few of his many ‘flaws in his character’

  23. Dude is old as hell and losing his shit. There is no reason he should be near the “football”.

  24. If he gets elected he’ll never appoint a Cabinet — because if he does, they’ll invoke the 25th amendment the very next day.

  25. Trump going full rapid senile publically would be the best October surprise of all time.

  26. “They also insisted on doing live fact checking, which is unprecedented.”

    I can understand “fact checking” being a negotiable item in something like a debate, but with a journalist interviewing you? That’s literally part of the job. It’s not “unprecedented”; it’s expected.

  27. Urban_Archeologist on

    I hope he makes it to Election Day. I don’t want the Rs to wake up and present a normal candidate.