Alberta Premier Danielle Smith comes under fire for comments about chemtrails

1 Comment

  1. Wow, it’s so much worse then I imagined.

    >During the town hall, in response to an audience member’s concerns about chemtrail spraying over Edmonton, Smith said, “The best I have been able to do is talk to the woman who is responsible for controlling the airspace, and she says no one is allowed to go up and spray anything in the air.”

    >When the crowd hooted and booed, Smith said, “That’s what she’s told me.”

    >Smith added, “The other person told me that if anyone is doing it, it’s the U.S. Department of Defense.”

    >Smith said if the U.S. is hitting Alberta with chemtrails, her hands are somewhat tied as a regional leader in Canada.

    >“I have some limitations in what I can do in my job,” she said. “I don’t know that I would have much power if that is the case, if the U.S. Department of Defense is spraying us.”

    It’s good to know if the Americans did decide to spray us with chemicals for fun or profit, the Government of Alberta’s position would be to shrug and admit “they’re the boss”.