‘Damning non-answer’: Vance refuses to acknowledge Trump lost the 2020 election



  1. Vance refuses to answer if trump lost the election, and refuses to answer if he’ll certify the election. That’s ALL you need to know. He will not support the peaceful transition of power, he will not support the rule of Democracy that our nation is founded on. Vance is just trump jr

  2. Peacefulzealot on

    This was THE moment of the debate for me. Walz pinned him on this question and he had no way out of it. It was damning and disqualifying.

    After coming off as at least decent the rest of the debate… we saw the mask slip there. This is gonna play again and again because Vance has zero backbone and this hammers that home.

  3. CaptainNoBoat on

    Vance couldn’t admit that Trump lost the election. Which is absurd, obviously. But of course he can’t and I’m not surprised whatsoever.

    Well over half of Republicans believe the election was stolen because of Trump’s lies. He’s made the entire Republican Party sheepishly take this stance or try to avoid the subject altogether for 4 years now.

    Bringing this up again.. I just.. can’t help but feel like I’m taking crazy pills every time I take a step back and look at where we’re at today.

    Trump tried to overthrow the government 4 years ago. Not just Jan. 6. He threatened a Secretary of State with legal consequences if he didn’t find him exactly enough votes to win. On tape.

    He pressured state legislatures, governors. He proclaimed that states should “stop counting.” He conspired to launch a fake electors scheme. He told the DOJ to flat out lie to Americans. He drafted a memo for the military to seize voting machines. He floated martial law. He tried to purge the Pentagon and DOJ post-election. He launched 60 frivolous lawsuits. He pressured 147 Congressmembers to vote to overturn the results.

    He was indicted in two jurisdictions for dozens of felonies over it. He was convicted, in part, for illegally influencing the 2016 election.

    And still – 14,424 days after the election – he’s still telling this egregious lie while people like Vance and other Republicans nervously chuckle and deflect away from it.

    This convicted felon who quite literally tried to end American democracy 4 years ago has arguably a 50/50 chance of winning the Presidency in 34 days.

    I know it has all been painfully normalized, but I still can’t believe it.

  4. It’s a damning non-answer because if Trump wins in 2024, Vance will be the one to certify the next election. We all know the one reason Pence wasn’t on that stage tonight is because that was one step too far for him.

  5. Vance just admitted he is incapable of fulfilling the oath of office he would take if elected…

    “I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

  6. Nightshiftcloak on

    I just want to say that the real winner of this debate is Pete Buttigieg. His prep work with Walz shined here. I was really nervous about how Walz was going to perform. I instantly felt better when I found out that Pete was going to play JD Vance in the practice debates.

    I hope that those practice sessions were recorded. I would really like to see them.

  7. Defining exchange of the debate. Walz finally got there and succeeded in exposing Vance’s allegiance to Trump over country and basic rationality. Damning indeed!

  8. ComprehensiveBite687 on

    What really sucks is it’s only ‘damming’ if true undecided voters care in swing states

  9. These right wing extremists want to dismantle democracy, so the stolen election lie helps serve that objective.

  10. highriskpomegranate on

    Lawrence O’Donnell said because of this non-answer, he’s “the first vice presidential candidate who doesn’t know who won the last election.”

  11. Honestly the debate was back and forth for the most part. But not acknowledging the BIG ELECTION LIE and attempted Insurrection was the knock out punch.

  12. LakesideOrion on

    This was the most important part of the debate – Vance made it incredibly clear that he works for Trump.
    Not you or our democracy.

  13. purplebrown_updown on

    He’ll go down as Trump’s bitch when they lose and Trump will blame it all on Vance. It will be glorious and fitting.

  14. Perfect trap set by Walz, and Vance did the only thing he could: pivot. It was a lose-lose-lose question; any answer to this question is unacceptable in his position. He can’t say he lost, Trump will go ape shit. Can’t say he won, media will have a field day. But even better, pivoting off the question makes you look slimy and translates into a “yes he lost”.

    The fact he didn’t have a tight response packaged for this obvious moment is pure incompetence, and I love that for him.

  15. I hope this question follows the Republican presidential candidate around for multiple election cycles, “Will you agree to accept the results of the election if you lose?” Ask each and every candidate that on live television for all Americans to see.

  16. yeah honestly this debate felt like a waste of time to me. lots of Vance pretending to be someone he is not by just straight lying, lots of ok responses (a few great ones, abortion I really liked) from Walz, but honestly his foreign policy knowledge disappointed me quite a bit, though I know it’s not his realm. really though Vance is a snake, I’m glad he poked through here. hope the media doesn’t stop running this.

  17. Is it possible that denying a loss could be a brilliant strategy to rewrite history? Could delusion be a power move?

  18. This is what I sent my husband tonight as we didn’t watch the debate together….
    “Love you hope you’re having a fun time playing games. The debate was really enjoyable. Like, really good. They were nice to each other, they discussed policy, there was no real drama, it was enjoyable to watch. It made me feel better about politics. If only for a moment… Anyway, hope you try to catch some footage of it bc I found it really hopeful and Walz def faltered at times, but it didn’t dim my absolute adoration for this fun man. He’s just…real. And he talks really fast, and he doesn’t know everything but defers to experts, you can tell he’s genuine, he’s funny, he’s KIND. Just inherently nice and he showed it multiple times tonight. So strong. Interrupted gently and then apologized. Didn’t make weird asshole faces, didn’t attack Vance as a person. Almost soft spoken in his few retorts when he knew he shouldn’t have been speaking. He has decorum and class. I think I’m now a walz fangirl even more than before lol. To be fair, Vance was nice to Tim as well, even as he spewed lies and refuted the absolute truth that Biden won the presidency and Trump tried to steal it. Really, he was nice and I appreciated his concessions to Walz and their agreement bipartisanship is crucial for almost everything needing to get done

  19. hockeynoticehockey on

    How could Vance not have expected that to come up?

    A lot of the credibility he was gaining in the articulate way he spoke was lost with one non-answer.

  20. While Vance did speak better, I gotta agree with many, nothing that he said tonight was memorable. The only memorable things was non-answers like this, on Climate Change and separating families, and the “you said you wouldn’t fact check.”

    Walz had much higher highs.

  21. Honest question. What timeline are we in? Trump said at his debate that he still believes 2020 was rigged and that he won! THIS IS NOT NORMAL. JD Vance refuses say Trump lost! This should be disqualifying! Both should be disqualified for this. Does America not understand how absolutely bat sh__ crazy it is for a presidential nominee to say this? Especially after Jan 6th? Why do I feel like I’m screaming this at the top of my lungs every day and America is just unbothered by this. This isn’t normal people! This is not the country I grew up in. Talk like that would be considered un-American 10-20 years ago. What timeline are we in?