Is Texas about to put a Democrat in the Senate?


  1. Real-Patriotism on

    Yes they are.

    Texans are going to help fundamentally shift the course of American History for the better, and I am so here for it.

  2. That picture makes me genuinely surprised Faux/BriteFart/OAN haven’t come out with an article accusing Allred of being a vampire, lol

  3. Cruz is much less a “conservative firebrand” than a lazy a__ who collects a paycheck at taxpayer expense.

  4. SlightReturn420 on

    Allred’s name might confuse some republican voters into selecting him. They know they’re supposed to vote all red, and many of them are staggeringly dimwitted, so I imagine the mistake will be made several times. Hopefully it will be enough to push him over the top. He’s got my vote, as I’m voting all blue down my Texas ballot.

  5. I feel like some forget what actually happened last senate race, it wasn’t a race that dems were ever supposed to win, it just somehow got very close anyway.

    Since then, its kinda been the narrative that dems lost a winnable race, when Beto actually was trailing 7 points on the average.

    This time, Cruz is leading merely by 3,5% on 538.

    Is Allred favored to win? No, but i think it will be even closer this time.

  6. Probably not. But making the GOP spend money and resources there to defend what should be a safe seat helps the other must-win races with real chances.

  7. AaronBasedGodgers on

    If Texas were smart they’d get rid of Ted Cruz. Hopefully they understand the assignment this time.

  8. SpeaksSouthern on

    Not that it matters but I will stop all my Texas jokes for 6 years if Texas manages to get rid of Rafael Cruz

  9. Didn’t Texas pass a law that allows the state legislature to throw out the election results if the Republicans don’t win?

  10. I highly doubt it. The race may be close, but Cruz will win again. They said the exact same thing in 2020, and he won the re-election. I don’t trust the polls at all, especially when it comes to Texas.

  11. Texas voters! Check your voter registration status, encourage others to register and TURN TEXAS BLUE!!!

  12. No.

    Way, way, *way* too much voter suppression, gerrymandering and election fraud.

    With a fair election they might, but the good ole bois don’t do it that way, bless their hearts.

  13. RickyWinterborn-1080 on

    If I had any faith that Texas had legitimate elections, I would be hopeful.

    But as a guy who just left Texas because of the corruption, among other things – I don’t. The fix is in.

  14. Outerbongolia on

    If we (Texans) can be bothered to vote, this is a very good possibility.

    Please vote…

  15. Don’t get complacent! Please make sure to check your registration and vote! Also please consider volunteering to help get the vote out!!

  16. mental_dissonance on

    We’ve had nothing but close calls and false hopes. I’m not ready to be hopeful.