CNN launches a digital paywall, charging some users to read articles for the first time


  1. milquetoast_wheatley on

    Support journalism by making journalism as difficult as possible to access.👍🏻

  2. and I’ll never read their right leaning news ever again the second I see the screen.

  3. I read the reddit title, then I saw the link goes to cnn to read the article … and I’m like, naw.

  4. Electrical_Room5091 on

    I already am reluctant to use CNN after all the bullshit from them. They stared becoming more conservative. Don’t give me a reason to never use CNN again 

  5. The show reader trick has always worked if theres anything worth reading. Their paywall is almost as shitty as their reporting. 

  6. Is there a good international news website that doesn’t have a paywall?

    Euronews and DW aren’t bad but maybe you guys have some additional suggestions!

  7. Such desperation. Let’s see how that plays out for them.

    And I’m sure the advertisers love that idea. Hopefully more advertisers block CNN (and Fox)

  8. Maybe this means there will be fewer toenail fungus treatment ads after their articles.

  9. I trust CNN about as much as I trust FOX News. Not because it’s a political propaganda outfit but because it’s a fucking clown show that goes over the top with shitty, desperate attempts at sensationalizing headlines.

    Long story short, this will have zero effect on me because if I want the real, unfettered story, I’ll get it from AP or Reuters.

  10. ffffff00000066ff33 on

    The revolution will not be televised because it will be behind a paywall or on a streaming service.

  11. Their site is already so loaded with ads, CNN is one of the last places I go to read news.