Hezbollah flags at protests shape as test of new hate-symbol laws



  1. cones4theconegod on

    Do we really have to take these people in, can’t we dump them in Gaza so they don’t turn Sydney into a shithole like the ones they left.

  2. Captain_Fartbox on

    Are people getting angry that we’re letting both sides of a conflict, happening overseas, advertise in Australia?

  3. TheSplash-Down_Tiki on

    I really don’t see how any Australian should really care about the Middle East conflict if you were solely loyal to Australia.

    Seems to me ‘dual citizenship’ is a mixed blessing. Means divided loyalties for both Zionist and some Muslim Australians.

    To me, all this just serves as evidence we should abolish all dual citizenship. MPs have to renounce all others, why not new migrants? Make a fresh start and leave all those ancient fights behind.

  4. hezbollah are literally terrorists. If this doesn’t constitute hate then wtf are the laws for

  5. Salt-Chef-2919 on

    Round them up take them to the airport and send them where the can protest for Hezbollah and be appreciated.

  6. > It comes as Immigration Minister Tony Burke told the ABC on Tuesday he had asked police to make him aware of any non-citizens caught up in investigations so he could cancel their visas, saying visitors would fail their character test if they were “inciting discord”.

    For Australian citizens, also known as “exercising our democratic right for peaceful protest”

  7. At the risk of repeating myself, to all those claiming Hezbollah are listed by Australia as terrorists, that list is made by politicians who are all owned by The Israel Lobby.

  8. Hezbollah is a violently homophobic and extreme-right hate group.

    I’m all for condemning the genocide that the Israeli government is committing against Gaza, but it’s possible to do that without waving around a flag that basically says ‘gay people deserve to die’.

  9. Sawathingonce on

    We are fucking ripe for the picking as a nation, the pandering pukes we have in charge of the place.

  10. I think people miss that several things can be true at the same time.

    Hezbollah is a terrorist organisation. You aren’t an “Israeli sympathiser” for saying it.

  11. AdZealousideal7448 on

    Hezbolah bought to you by the greens.
    Nazi’s bought to you by the libs/nationals/one nation

    Guess it’s gonna come down to who the officer on duty votes for whether they’re gonna do anything or whether the department is concerned at backlash in the media for picking on an ethnicity…

  12. bright_vehicle1 on

    The constant downvoting of people who are more concerned about the killing of innocent civilians than a flag is ridiculous. Man this sub is brigaded badly

  13. DrMantisToboggan1986 on

    As I said on the other thread, the Federal Police should deploy facial recognition on everyone who attended the protests, put them on ASIO’s terror watch list and deport the fuck out of them. If these people were granted citizenship, they can be revoked. If they prefer Lebanon, Gaza and Palestine so much over Australia, please dump their asses there – we don’t need a repeat of the Port Arthur, Martin Place or Bourke Street incidents.