The earliest known example of Azerbaijani language is İzzaddin Hasanoglu’s ghazal "He took my heart"dating back to the late 13th and early 14th centuries. This manuscript belongs to the 14th century and is preserved in the library of Leiden University in Germany.

My heart was taken away by a pleasant charmer, What a charmer? Dilbari-witness. What witness? Witness-master.

If I die, you, buti-shangul, don’t make a jug, what is it? Külgüli-bade. What’s next? Badei-Ahmar.

I can’t get over the drink I had with you, what’s the drink? Badei-masti. What is drunk? Mastiyi-sagar.

In the past, a copy of me was written in my soul, What is me? My copy. What copy? Copy-book.

Once upon a time, a messenger in Egypt made sweet words to the king, what a messenger? Messenger-price. What price? The price is sugar.

Fire does not burn until it is ignited, amber, what is amber? Amber-swim. What is swimming? Swimming pool.

Although Hasanoglu is a prayerful, faithful guardian, what is faithful? Faithful servant. What about me? Bandei-chakar.

Posted by Leamsezadah


  1. This photo is the original one, right? It’s very easy to read in Arabic script too, one truly becomes amazed.