US officials say 40 airlines may be using Boeing 737s with suspect rudder parts


  1. Jaded-Influence6184 on

    I’ve literally flown around the world for work, and I would always favour Boeing aircraft if I knew I could get on them. I trusted them completely. Now, I wouldn’t touch them with a ten foot pole. Never. They have shown so much corruption in their operations, I mean, how could one trust them to build a safe plane. Risk analysis is the combination of not just *might it happen*, but also *what is the impact if it does happen*. Air crashes are low probability, but with Boeing now proving higher than Airbus. And we all know the impact of an impact with the ground. Hell NASA wouldn’t even trust that company to return 2 people back from the Space Station in the Boeing capsule that took them up (even after a decade of development). It’s fucking comical that they asked SpaceX to return them.

  2. Boeing’s renowned quality control went out the window thanks to former bean counter CEO who probably thought he can cut away proven safety layer without compromising safety. Yeah right.

    Whatever money Boeing “saved” disappeared and them some with the ensuing crashes of 737Max and the repercusstion is still continuing. More important than lost profits are Boeing’s reputation for safety, reliability no longer exist.

    In the end, Boeing got its just dessert. I hope the company will recover but breaking things are easier than rebuilding.

  3. Would those US officials like to name the airlines so we can not put our families on potentially fatally flawed flying machines?

  4. RequirementCurrent21 on

    enjoy the $5000 lawsuit money and free burial when you die in the next boeing crash.

    dumb americans support this voting for dems and republicans that keep sucking off corporations.

  5. RudibertRiverhopper on

    Boeing Business plan:

    1. Get rid of Quality team – to save money;

    2. Hire more accountants – to save money;

    3. Buy suspect rudder parts – to save money.



  6. I wish people could strike a better balance between ‘holding a company accountable’ and ‘being overly dramatic on the internet’.

    Because *my goodness* does Boeing deserve so much flak and financial pain for their quality nosedive but flying is still safe and Boeing planes are not ticking time bombs

  7. Everything_is_wrong on

    Safran is Boeing but with extra French government on top.

    Airbus more than likely has many with the defective titanium because the entire supply chain utilized it.