I just came across a truly horrifying article in which the victim of the story, 72-year-old Gisele, was raped without the victim’s knowledge by more than half a hundred people between 2011 and 2020, coordinated by her husband (the husband crushed sleeping pills and anti-anxiety drugs and slipped them into Gisèle’s dinner or wine glass and then texted his guest, whom he had told to wait in a nearby parking lot).
Some paragraphs:
“The police got about 20,000 pictures that the man took during the rapes. ”
,,Gisèle thought that she and Dominique were a perfect couple. They met at 19, married at 21, and have three children and seven grandchildren. “We weren’t rich, but we were happy,” he said. “Even our friends said we were the perfect couple.” They were, apparently, the perfect couple. She had no idea that the man was raping her under the cover of darkness.”
The husband told the court: “I tried to stop drugging Gisèle, but my addiction was stronger and my need was increasing,” he said. “I tried to calm him down, I betrayed his trust. I should have stopped earlier, in fact I shouldn’t have started at all.”
He said he became a pervert in 2010 when he met a male nurse online who advised him to drug and sexually abuse his wife. “And then it clicked in my head,” said Dominique.
“Firefighter, former policeman, municipal commissioner, nurse, soldier, journalist, truck driver and civil servant – more than 70 detained men aged 26-73 hold such jobs. There are said to be up to 30 other men on the recordings that investigators have not been able to identify. Some inmates have previously been convicted of domestic violence and even sentenced to prison. Five of them are accused of allegedly possessing child sexual abuse material. Many of them are in relationships and have children. One of them was even late to the courthouse because he had to take his son to school.”
“The youngest accused is Joan K.who was 22 years old at the time of the rape and even missed seeing the birth of his own daughter because he raped Gisèle at the same time. Of the 51 men, only 15 have pleaded guilty to rape, the others have said that Dominique cheated on them.”
As a woman, I am deeply amazed (and I do not want to suggest here that it is my naivety) that such mass rape was perpetrated by different age groups over the years. This clearly shows how widespread the problem is in society. The victim’s husband pleaded guilty and expressed that he understood that his actions were not right (or just crocodile tears). I understand that no redditor here would ever openly talk about this point of view unless all the mummies are at home having sex. But some kind of ball could get rolling in general, that when such perverted behavior patterns arise (whether they originate from childhood or not – it is also known that damage to certain parts of the brain causes inappropriate sexual behavior and violence), we should focus not only on punishing individuals, but also more broadly, how society as a whole such patterns of behavior can be prevented and treated before they escalate into multiple violent acts.. etc. What thoughts arise?
Räägime natukene õõvastavamatel teemadel: Jõhkra massivägistamise ohver 72-aastane Gisele Pelicot
byu/Echo_Velocity_2962 inEesti
Posted by Echo_Velocity_2962
1 Comment
esimene mõte on muidugi sinnakanti, et siin tahaks, kurat, ühe mehisema koguse mune ja vorste maha raiuda ja kogu satsile ühed sirkaväärilised kaheraudsed vorpida.
raske on seisukohta võtta, aga mitte selles osas, et kas see oli normaalne või ei, vaid kuidas sellist asja ennetada. seksuaalkäitumine on küllaltki komplitseeritud teema, kuid seal läheb siiski ilmselge piir, mis on lihtsalt enda jaoks lõbus, isegi kui see pole sotsiaalselt kõigi tassike teed, ja mis on konkreetselt hälbeline käitumine. minulgi on raske uskuda, et kõik lihtsalt lasid rõõmsalt edasi ning sealjuures jäi veel osadel jultumust ohvrit süüdistada.
ilmselt on üks võtmekoht siiski vaimse tervise abi olemasolu, kättesaadavus ja üleüldse stigmatiseeritus. kujuta ette, et ärkad ühel hommikul ja tahaks kohutavalt astuda seksuaalakti kellegi/millegagi, mis pole absoluutselt teretulnud. kuidas käitud? kellele räägid? kuhu pöördud? milline ressurss aitaks sul aru saada, et see on mingi tung, mis tuleks eos lämmatada ning leida põhjused, miks see üldse tekkis? pole ju tegelikult sellist ressurssi.