The new hospital in Lugoj: a fraudulent business in which a Turkish company uses NATO. Codruța Kovesi entered the wire – ProTV news (

The Lugoj City Hall obtained funding of almost 100 million euros for the construction of a modern health unit, with all the necessary specializations: emergency department, operating room with five rooms, obstetrics and gynecology, and intensive care. Incredible news for patients who today are treated in a sanitary facility more than 100 years old.

The hospital is a portal that takes those who want to see how hospitals were built at the beginning of the last century.

The only interventions were a painting in a shade of pale pink, which the former mayor liked, and a marble staircase up to the entrance to the ward run by the former manager. Otherwise, nothing. In the surgery ward, the new equipment obtained with post-Covid funds is a stark contrast to the paint on the walls and the whitewash falling from the ceiling.

A renovated salon is completely cut off from the desolate landscape.

At Lugoj, people cannot deal with "God, help"that’s why the news that a new hospital will be built was like a breath of fresh air for the community. In the pneumophysiology ward, even the blue paint is decades old. Patients with lung conditions climb two floors until they run out of air, because there is no elevator. And in one salon, the wall cracked so hard that the head of department is afraid to admit more patients.

Despite these conditions, the patients do not complain. At least it’s clean, and the medical staff are good.

The only relatively renovated department is the internal medicine department, but that’s because the doctor who runs it collected money wherever she could.

This is the reality of the inhabitants of a city waiting for someone to look at them too. They are being treated in wards with 100-year-old circuits, while the authorities find themselves caught in a web of political and commercial interests, and the new ultra-modern hospital it risks remaining only on paper.

Răspunsul la întrebarea: "De ce nu sunt medici in oraşele mici?"
byu/LetterheadNo7278 inRomania

Posted by LetterheadNo7278


  1. >Adrian Câciu, ministrul Investițiilor și Proiectelor Europene din România: “Mafia e peste tot. Eu o respect pe doamna procuror european, dar cred că vorbește prea mult despre România”.

    Si desigur ca lugojenii au votat la primarie PSD. Inainte de asta primarul era de la PNL.

  2. Asta e doar unul din motive. Principalul ramane ca doctorii nu vor sa isi piarda cercul de prieteni, precum si dificultatea partenerului de a se muta. Apoi faptul ca orasele mici sunt urate si plictisitoare.

    Singura solutie realista e sa ii platesti mai mult pe aia din provincie. Fie prin salariu sau facilitati fiscale. Dar avand in vedere ca multi doctori castiga majoritar din privat, nici asta nu e asa usor de implementat.

  3. Equivalent-Money8202 on

    Nu e asta.

    Problema e ca nimeni nu vrea sa renunte la prieteni, familie, partener etc sa se mute.

    Also, ce faci cu un copil intr-un oras de genul? Ce anturaje va avea? Ce orizonturi? Ok, mai sunt scoli bune si in orase mici, dar e mult mai greu decat in cele mari.

    Sau ca medic tanar, care ti-ai petrecut tineretea/toata viata in orase mari/centre universitare, ce sa faci in Lugoj? Nu exista nimic.