Harris says she backs legalizing marijuana, going further than Biden



  1. Never has a major party presidential candidate come out for legalization before. Now both candidates in this race have done it. This is very exciting!

  2. “She’s only saying that to get votes!”

    –people that aren’t voting for Kamala Harris

    But seriously,

    Now let’s see the orange crime lord and his cult do some shitty mental gymnastics trying to catch up.

  3. What that would do is allow banking and interstate commerce though some states would likely still ban it (the Devil’s Lettuce and Satan’s Salad crowd).

    Reminder: Weed is only hazardous to donut and pizza supplies vs already legal alcohol. Some people can’t handle either but they’ll likely get in trouble with another potentially worse intoxicant.

  4. SpottedDicknCustard on

    Cue the MAGA crowd screaming about how she prosecuted people for it in the past.

    Yes, morons, that was her job, to apply the law as written at the time.

  5. Very happy to see this and definitely a good move by her! Hopefully they can make more progress with it on a federal level

  6. thelightstillshines on

    Yannow what’s sad about our electoral system is I look at this headline and I know that this position is nationally popular, but then I am worried how popular is it in the 7 swing states that will decide the election. I would hope it is popular there too, but who tf knows with Pennsyltucky.

    Still though, glad she is embracing this position. It’s also nice knowing that I can be confident she will be able to communicate why this positioning and this issue is important.

  7. MAGA: she’s only doing this because it’s hugely popular and will get her votes

    Meanwhile MAGA Governors: we’ll ban Pornhub. That should be popular with our pornbrained fanbase

  8. I’ve been a defense attorney for a very long time. I’d love to hear about what a “violent” marijuana related offense is lol

  9. There it is. The fancy bow for her campaign. Take the layup, Kamala. For the amount of tax money it brings, Legalization is a no-brainer.

  10. sugarlessdeathbear on

    Where cannabis is already legal in the US, the market is 33.6 Billion. That’s a good sized industry.

  11. About time. There is literally no reason weed should be illegal when alcohol is legal.

    None. At all. I haven’t even heard a serious argument that makes an ounce of sense.

  12. My Gen Z daughter believes that running on legalisation alone would be enough to secure the youth vote.

  13. Sure_Quality5354 on

    Yes please. Put this issue to bed already. The prohibition on weed is stupid, costly and racist. Its time to move on

  14. DragonSoundFromMiami on

    “I dunno man,I just don’t see the difference between the-”

    Harris wants to fully legalize weed

    “Oh, for real?!”

  15. Let us grow it at home. *Please* let us grow it at home. There aren’t similar laws for Tobacco or Hops, why the fuck should weed count too?

  16. Finally, just make it legal and tax it already. Don’t put up a ton of red tape to set up a legal dispensary. Everyone wins, new businesses and jobs, more tax revenue and cops can go look for actual crime.

    Everyone except private prisons win. Fuck private prisons anyway, what a revolting “business.”

  17. This really is a no brainer, thank god. Get her some easy votes she has no business losing to begin with

  18. My gf and I were just talking about this last night that KH discussing the legalization at the federal level could be an absolute game changer for getting the youth vote and then some.

  19. Prestigious-Dingo875 on

    I think if Kamala actually manages to do this, it would make a possible re-election more likely.

  20. istillambaldjohn on

    Just tell them how much money tax revenue would go up. Conservatives will be down for it.

    Frankly, since Bayer/Montesano has been developing their own strain. Pharma lobbyist will be a bit less opposing than before.

    I think realistically what changes first will be allowing it through the banks, and insurance. They want data to prove to prove how much money it makes

  21. I had to cancel my medical card because I used medical marijuana to help with migraines, anxiety and sleep. It works better than anything Ive ever tried, just a small amount before bed. No weird pill hangovers. I had the audacity to want to get a job at a government contractor. I can get as much pills and booze as I want and that’s just fine apparently.

    Cannabis has no right being a schedule 1 drug. It absolutely has medicinal uses, and its inexpensive.

    Please vote for Harris and make this happen. So many people will benefit. For many this isn’t about getting high, its about a better quality of life.

  22. All I know is the local dispensaries are gonna be making buck from me on election week. Gonna be taking extra shifts at work because god knows I need the distraction and want to get decent weed for once rather than bottom shelf flower.

    All states need to legalize. It’s absolutely ridiculous that people can go to prison for something I can walk in and buy at a store.

  23. Aggressive-Will-4500 on

    I’m adding this to my stash:

    November 18, 2014 : [Kamala Harris Speaks Out On ‘Inevitability’ Of Marijuana Legalization In California](https://mjnewsnetwork.com/legal/kamala-harris-speaks-out-on-inevitability-of-marijuana-legalization-in-california/)

    >“I am not opposed to the legalization of marijuana. I’m the top cop, and so I have to look at it from a law enforcement perspective and a public safety perspective,” Harris told BuzzFeed News in an interview in Washington, D.C. “I think we are fortunate to have Colorado and Washington be in front of us on this and figuring out the details of what it looks like when it’s legalized.”

    May 20, 2015: [Kamala Harris Says It’s Time to End the Feds’ War on Medical Weed (VIDEO)](https://www.laweekly.com/news/kamala-harris-says-its-time-to-end-the-feds-war-on-medical-weed-video-5593208)

    > I tell you what: Standing up for the people also means challenging the policy of mass incarceration by recognizing the war on drugs was a failure.
    > Now is the time to end the federal ban on medical marijuana.

    >“Let me tell you what California needs, Jeff Sessions. We need support in dealing with transnational criminal organizations and dealing with human trafficking – not in going after grandma’s medicinal marijuana,”

    April 22, 2016: [California AG Kamala Harris says she’d work to soften U.S. pot stance] (https://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/article73311527.html)

    >“As a U.S. senator, an area of focus for me would be to remove marijuana from Schedule I and put it in Schedule II,” Harris told the board.

    May 16, 2017: [Kamala Harris to Trump: Leave grandma’s marijuana alone](https://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/article150834332.html)

    May 10, 2018:[Kamala Harris Finally Endorses the Marijuana Justice Act](https://www.leafly.com/news/politics/kamala-harris-finally-endorses-the-marijuana-justice-act)

    >“Making marijuana legal at the federal level is the smart thing to do and it’s the right thing to do,” Harris tweeted this morning, including a video statement she gave to the news outlet NowThis. “Today, I’m announcing support for [Sen. Cory Booker’s] Marijuana Justice Act.”

    S.1689 – Marijuana Justice Act of 2017 – https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/1689/cosponsors

    >Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR] 12/18/2017

    >Sen. Gillibrand, Kirsten E. [D-NY] 02/14/2018

    >Sen. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT] 04/19/2018

    >Sen. Harris, Kamala D. [D-CA] 05/10/2018

    >Sen. Merkley, Jeff [D-OR] 05/23/2018

    >Sen. Warren, Elizabeth [D-MA] 06/07/2018


    02/11/19: [Kamala Harris acknowledges smoking weed in the past](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/429386-kamala-harris-acknowledges-smoking-weed-in-the-past)

    >“I have,” she said when asked by host Charlamagne Tha God if she had ever smoked marijuana.
    >“And I did inhale,” she added, joking about former President Clinton’s famous line that he had smoked marijuana but “didn’t inhale.”

    09/30/24: https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/4907402-harris-says-she-backs-legalizing-marijuana-going-further-than-biden/

    >“I just think we have come to a point where we have to understand that we need to legalize it and stop criminalizing this behavior,” Harris said during a nearly hourlong interview on the sports and culture podcast “All the Smoke” released Monday.

    >“I just feel strongly people should not be going to jail for smoking weed,” she told hosts Matt Barnes and Stephen Jackson. “And we know historically what that has meant and who has gone to jail.”