Trump Promises ‘Very Large Faucet’ Will Funnel Water from Oregon to Los Angeles


  1. BothZookeepergame612 on

    Seriously, he has no idea what he’s talking about… What a joke the clown show has become.

  2. Colonel-Mooseknuckle on

    The ‘person of extraordinary genius’ strikes again! Don’t worry guys, we simply are not able to comprehend the brilliant ideas that come from the stable genius. Only Elon gets it.

  3. “Trump promises…”

    You can just stop right there and get the same value as reading any more of this.

  4. lost_in_connecticut on

    “We’re going to send the hurricane to you to put out the fires. Let me get my sharpie. The best sharpie.”

  5. Dementia personified. Repigs hate America. They are trying to use fatty’s “charisma” to win the election, then 25A his ass to the curb and install putin’s new puppet vance.

    Vote blue, no matter who. Fuck the repig traitors.

  6. SwimRelevant4590 on

    No, wrong. Canadians control the faucet, it takes several of our finest lumberjacks and Mounties several hours to turn it on or off. I suggest we turn off tRump’s oxygen or hamberder supply instead.

  7. Admirable_Policy_696 on

    He’s really been amping up the kooky bullshit lately. We can smell his desperation through the screen.

  8. Justin Trudeau should make a video, turning on the faucet to his garden hose, and spray the hose, south. Here ya go LA, my bad, eh?

  9. Does this man have a single fucking clue how anything works or is the world just Wackyland straight outta Tiny Toons

  10. StandardImpact6458 on

    With a bowling ball rolling down a ramp to trip a giant 🥾 to kick the faucet on. His late great genius uncle from MIT. Rube Goldberg trump taught him as a boy. don old would spend the summers with him learning how to make these clever inventions. / s

  11. IndividualEye1803 on

    This timeline has me jacked up. I had to ENSURE this wasnt an Onion Headline and this is SENDING ME 😂