Russia’s air defenses can’t stop Ukraine from striking deep with its long-range drones, intel says


  1. BothZookeepergame612 on

    Again Ukrainian has shown superiority over Russian military systems.
    Putin’s best defenses cannot stop Ukraine’s drones from attacking wherever and whenever they want.
    Embarrassing Putin, while his people realize Russia isn’t winning the war Putin started.

  2. This war has done nothing but make Russia look inept. They need to get the hell out of Ukraine and cut their losses.

  3. Yeah they have no real answer to this. The country is too big and their air defense is too shit to protect all the assets they need to protect.

    Winter is going to be fun in Russia when Russia inevitably starts attacking Ukrainian energy infrastructure and with Ukraine returning the favor with its newfound capabilities.

  4. Comprehensive-Ad8144 on

    Putin should surrender, retreat and step down. give his remaining wealth to help Ukraine rebuild. What an embarrassment of a human being. Sunk cost fallacy idiot

  5. scratchydaitchy on

    Ukraine needs to keep chipping away at supply lines, ammo depots and infrastructure to push the Russian war effort over a tipping point. Then maybe they can seize some unexpected victories on the ground. Hopefully the seeds they plant today will bear fruit later.

  6. It’s a tremendously good thing, no doubt.

    We still need to push for Ukraine to be allowed to use Western missiles for long-range attacks inside of Russia, though, because the fact of the matter is – as Perun pointed out in his recent video – these are saturation attacks involving potentially a hundred or more drones. It’s still a massive success, but imagine how it would be if Ukraine could use more advanced systems and/or degrade Russia’s air defenses more.

  7. I say keep pounding Russia until Putin cries
    No Mas…and Tulsi Gabbard starts weeping because her friend Putin is getting what he so deserves. Will Tulsi Gabbard ever admit Putin brought this on himself? I doubt it.

  8. I swear to god the time people have been talking about these deep strikes seems as the time purposely taken so Russia can hide it’s assets