Rudy Giuliani’s Daughter: Trump Took My Dad From Me. Please Don’t Let Him Take Our Country, Too


  1. chunkerton_chunksley on

    I thought it was gin that did that. Sweetheart I hate to be the bearer of bad news but daddy was always a schmuck

  2. Lady, your father was always a terrible person. Trump just convinced him to stop pretending he wasn’t.

  3. sugarlessdeathbear on

    Rudy is not some rube to be taken in by what amounts to an overgrown street hustler. He went along willingly. He wasn’t taken, he left.

  4. Rudy Giuliani became a willing partner of Donald Trump for money and power. They’re both vile and disgusting fascists.

  5. Sensitive-Lab-9448 on

    Rudy was ripe for the taking. I don’t see any reason to blame Trump for that one. Rudy has long been a corrupt, incompetent asshole.

    He also lived in our most populous city and still ended up marrying his cousin. Like you couldn’t find anyone else among all these millions if women bro?

  6. I’d wager Trump took a lot of dads from people. Or at least opened their eyes to who they always were.

  7. Parking-Emphasis590 on

    For all the press I had seen for Walz’ estranged family supporting Trump, it should be noted that so, **so** many close relatives to DJT and his staff (and his staff’s relatives, as seen here) have been extremely public in disavowing him.

  8. Trump / Fox News / MAGA took a lot of our fathers…

    That’s why I love Walz, he’s like my dad used to be.

  9. This is an all too familiar story that goes back thousands of years. Family members lost to a cult.

  10. Many millennials can say the same thing about their dad or parents. My dad cannot get out of the cult (he has been completely brainwashed). Sadly, my mother who hates Trump and his bs can’t get through to my dad either. It’s definitely taking a toll on their marriage and I’m praying he fucking loses this November so this idiot can go away.

  11. They recently published a study about how long or severe COVID causes brain damage in a lot of people.

    I’m not trying to make a joke, but I think it’s possible the anti-vax GOP stuff inadvertently led to many elderly GOP leaders being literally brain damaged. It might be funny to chuckle about, but what if a portion of GOP leadership is literally down a few notches and we’re trusting them to making decisions missing that. Rudy/Trump might literally have brain damage…it explains Trump’s projection about Kamala too. I bet a doctor told him he was brain damaged, so he’s now projecting that onto her.

  12. Leather-Map-8138 on

    I can’t help but think how bad the room must smell for anyone else if they’re both in it.

  13. Off topic, and I’m far from the first person to make this observation, but I think similar sentiment is why Tom Walz is so popular. He reminds people of the dads that Fox News and Trump took from them. He’s a likable TV sitcom, and I mean this as a compliment. He’s like Danny Tanner or Carl Winslow or Uncle Phil.

  14. Just think about how many friends and family he has already taken. Through COVID, QAnon, social media and hate.

    He has already taken a lot of people from us. If he gets elected, he’ll take the country too.

  15. BlueberryOk2507 on

    Correction: Your dad is a grown man with agency who made his own self-serving choices and is now living with the consequences.

    ETA: It is so surreal to rewatch The Sopranos and see Rudy Giuliani be lauded as a positive example of Italian-American representation.

  16. gettheballdownson on

    Sorry, he’s a grown man. An accomplished man. He’s not some victim, he’s a criminal that decided to support another criminal

  17. Beebiddybottityboop on

    I’m friends with her. We both worked on set together. She’s a sweet human and I feel bad that her dad has gone off the deep end.

  18. This is so tragic. Trump, MAGA, social media, and conservative media have been destroying families all over.

  19. This is a good point, but also I just saw an AI render of Trump with ripped abs. Not sure what to believe🤷

  20. TheSpiritsGotMe on

    Rudy was banging his mistress at a Ground Zero apartment he had set up specifically for that purpose long before Trump became Maga Emperor.

  21. Rudy took himself away from his family.

    You have to be one *profoundly stupid* mofo to be swayed by someone like Donald fuckin’ Trump.