Netanyahu makes direct appeal to Iranian people: ‘Your leadership does not care about you’


  1. Netanhayu may be an arsehole but he is right. Broken clock or something like that.

    The iranien goverment murdered their own cititzens when the protestet against violence against women.

  2. I think the Iranians are well aware. It seems like every decade or so the young generation of Iranians try to push for change, and get brutally beaten back down. I admire their courage and grit and determination to keep trying to make a better world for themselves.

  3. I hate Bibi with a passion but he is correct about Iran and their fanatical government oppressing their own people and funding terror.

  4. He might be right but it’s ironic for him to say it, considering his people do not care for him and believe he’s not doing a good job protecting and representing them.

    It feels like Netanyahu wants to keep stacking war escelation after war eecalation in the hope that at some point, his government will succeed in an operation enough to win an election on.

  5. there_is_no_spoon1 on

    Iranian people: “We *know*, we *know*. But they keep killing and imprisoning us so what can we do?”

  6. The only one’s that support Iranian leadership (dictatorship) are brainwashed western University students.

  7. This is the perfect time for another round of protests in Iran. The people need some sort of external backing though. Hopefully the West helps out this time

  8. Annual_Persimmon9965 on

    He says right before dropping a few more thousand pounds of bombs on their apartments. I don’t think Israel cares about them too much either 

  9. nemoj_da_me_peglas on

    I’m reading this as “Hey, we love your people. Please remember that as we bomb the shit out of you. We’re doing it for you”. Not that I’m against Iran’s leaders being ousted, it’s just given the context of what’s going on right now I as a citizen of Iran wouldn’t be reading this as a drunk “I love you” text from a friend as much as a “I’m just doing this because I love you so much” apology from an abusive spouse. I’d personally be alarmed right now for what’s coming but maybe I’m just too paranoid.

  10. Dapper-Arachnid-5463 on

    Were there not 200k protestors a year ago and the IRGC just started shooting into them?

  11. Direct_Alternative94 on

    Translation: rise up and we’ve got your back. We can’t do it without you and it needs to garner support from valuable allies that won’t be too keen on us using our fantastic intelligence in our conventional manner.

  12. The_Social_Nerd on

    “And I should know, for I too am a leader who doesn’t give a shit about my own people.”

  13. EatShitRedditAdmin on

    Piece by piece they are eliminating key Iranian proxies and assets, the long game has always been the golden prize of nipping the Iran government problem in the bud. The Iranian population are already baying for their governments blood, it won’t take much to light the powder keg