Why isn’t the NDP triggering an election? They can’t afford one



  1. …and there continues to be little political benefit to the NDP to calling an early election. It’ll kill a number of their initiatives from the supply and confidence agreement that haven’t even received royal assent yet, to say nothing of handing the CPC’s the keys and what that will do.

    There also isn’t any sense that they will benefit in terms of increased seat count, so really, what’s the point?

  2. This is such a silly talking point.

    It’s because they don’t have too, have nothing to gain from it and they don’t have a platform yet to run on.

    Like take carbon pricing. PP wants a carbon tax election, and NDP only have “we don’t like the current one”.

    I fully expect the NDP will support the Liberals until Budvet 2025 and the government will fall on the budget confidence vote for a summer election.

    This also aligns with the hail Mary of the Liberals and NDP that Trump and Mega rub off on the conservatives more.

  3. Part of the reason for sure along with the pension for their MP’s and that they are still taking orders from the Liberals while pretending to have torn up the agreement IMHO.

  4. The real reason is that the NDP actually values their policy achievements. They know that Poilievre will piss them away, so they’re trying to solidify them to make reversing them more politically expensive. This is a concept apparently entirely unfamiliar to conservatives, as they seem to be proposing every conspiracy under the sun to avoid admitting that maybe, just maybe, there are some people for whom political brinkmanship isn’t the end goal.

  5. UnluckyRandomGuy on

    Turns out making your party base poor social activists doesn’t help with fundraising, who knew. Guess they should have tried to continue being the workers party

  6. If it makes any Dippers feel better the Liberal’s finances are in a sorry state. There is a reason you don’t see any advertisements.

  7. Also Canadians don’t want an early election, and listening to what Canadians want is good behaviour from a potential government.