Hey everyone,
I’m devastated because my Electric Mono Troy e-bike was stolen a few days ago in Kangaroo Point, just days after I bought it. It was second-hand, but as a uni student on a tight budget, it was brand new to me. This bike was going to be my way to make money, as I’d just been approved to start working for DoorDash. Now, I’m left without a bike and no way to earn, which is a massive setback.

The worst part is that the thief seemed to know exactly what they were doing. They waited until just after my girlfriend left for work early in the morning and then went straight for my bike, without even scanning the area or looking at other bikes nearby. Mine was further back, so it’s clear someone helped them and told them exactly where to go. It was last seen in West End.

It was an Electric Mono Troy e-bike, and I only have a photo of it from when it was at the store before being serviced (attached below). It was cleaned after that photo, so it should be in better condition now, though who knows if they’ve trashed it since. The stickers from Myebike were likely scratched off by the thief.

If anyone has seen it or has any info on who might’ve taken it, or even can identify what the thief was wearing, it would be a huge help. Please reach out if you have any details!

I don’t want to sound like a beggar, but if anyone out there has an old crappy bike they haven’t bothered to throw away, I’d really appreciate it. I’ll give it back ASAP, or whenever you ask, even if I only have it for a few days—anything helps right now!

Posted by DakotaSWN