Putin orders recruitment of 130,000 conscripts



  1. SoftwareExact9359 on

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued a directive to carry out a military draft from October 1 to December 31, 2024. The draft will target 133,000 Russian citizens aged 18 to 30 who are not in reserve and are subject to conscription, according to Russia’s legal information portal.


  2. Abject-Investment-42 on

    This is draft, not mobilization.

    Russian army drafts about 130-140.000 young men twice a year for 1 year mandatory military training (or “military training” aka building some general’s dacha). They are not participating in the fighting (some poor sods get to heave shells from train to truck or the other way around, or dig trenches behind the front) but at the end of the year they can go home, except that they are now eligible for mobilisation (should it come again).

    Some of them are pressured at the end of their service time to sign the contract and become assault meat, but most know by now how to avoid it and that the officers can’t really force them to sign up – but sometimes they are just tempted by a promise of what amounts to an average Russian’s lifetime earning if they sign up.

  3. And how many will come from Moscow? Or St. Petersburg? Or will they still continue to come from the same ethnic groups that have supplied the previous recruits?

  4. Russia has like 24 million males between the age of 20 and 45. And around 27 million between 18-45.

  5. If Russia has 144 million people, say 72 million males. Current casualties in Ukraine are over 650,000. We are approaching almost 1% of Russian males are casualties in Ukraine. We are at the point that every Russian knows a Russian casualty in Ukraine, assuming most people know over 150 people. 1% of any countries male population lost in less than 3 years, let’s say .05% per year. Let’s say another 3 years. We will see 1 in 50 Russian males as casualties of the war in Ukraine. Absolutely amazing. This slow slicing of Russia’s manhood is conducive for culmination.

  6. Puzzleheaded-Cap1300 on

    Why does pootin keep holding meetings from an antique furniture/office equipemnt store room?