Nevada Democrats have hung a 43 foot tall, 6000 pound naked President Trump in effigy near Las Vegas on Interstate 15.

Posted by LordoftheReeee


  1. That’s called “erecting” (no, not Proven Rapist Trump’s tiny thing). There is nothing “hanging” about this caricature.

  2. Why do artists that satirize pootin’s orange cum-sock puppet always insist on flattering him? I’m yet to see a piece that accurately depicts how much of a selfish, corrupt lick-spittle he is.

  3. Brave_Conflict465 on

    This headline is trash. For examples of effigy hanging, look to what the traitors were doing on January 6 before EX president Trump turned them on the capital. This is an artist displaying one of the most hideous pieces I have seen in recent times.

  4. ArchangelsThundrbird on

    They got the small dick wrong, this looks like a worm, it should be like a button mushroom.

  5. This is horrible. When they erected hang Mike pence we denounced it for years.

    If you are a Dem you should be denouncing this. We are not like them

  6. isinedupcuzofrslash on

    Profile says OP isn’t a paid Russian bot, but posting obviously out of context bullshit to generate some sort of narrative against Dems is something a Russian bot would do.

    If you’re not getting paid, then that’s just unfortunate for you.