Norway is mulling building a fence on its border with Russia, following Finland’s example


  1. From the article –

    HELSINKI (AP) — Norway may put a fence along part or all of the 198-kilometer (123-mile) border it shares with Russia, a minister said, a move [inspired by a similar project]( in its Nordic neighbor Finland.

    “A border fence is very interesting, not only because it can act as a deterrent but also because it contains sensors and technology that allow you to detect if people are moving close to the border,” Justice Minister Emilie Enger Mehl said in an interview with the Norwegian public broadcaster NRK published late Saturday.

    She said the Norwegian government is currently looking at “several measures” to [beef up security]( on the border with Russia in the Arctic north, such as fencing, increasing the number of border staff or stepping up monitoring.

  2. Why make it easy for Russians to illegally enter your territory? Better secure your border before Russian start doing their dirty deed in your country.

  3. TheLastManicorn on

    I wouldn’t put it past Russia to transport large masses of migrants to destabilize its neighbors no matter the distance.