Trump Suggests Giving Cops a ‘Violent Day’ to Stop Crime


  1. contemporary_romance on

    In other words, Trump is suggesting the PURGE would work in real life. I assume he has a lot of scientific evidence to back up his cl— oh wait no nothing? He just thinks letting the police go all robocop is going to solve and issue… Yepp checks out.

  2. Reminds you of how he said he would be “dictator for one day.”

    It is never going to be one day with him. It’ll be every day until America bends to his will.

  3. So this is the plan, then? Turn the cops into Brownshirts. Not hard to see it coming after the sheriff in Ohio.

    We are so unbelievably fortunate to have a prosecutor that is gifted at the art of spreading joy and empathizing with people as the sharpest possible contrast to this sad excuse for a man.

    I think she might be getting under his skin a bit…

  4. LeonardSmallsJr on

    He just watched The Purge. I can’t wait until he sees Human Centipede and comes up with a solution to world hunger!

  5. reddit_is_tarded on

    Extra-judicial killings very cool, very legal.

    He really wants all the worst stuff from third world dictatorships to happen in the US

  6. First Hannibal Lecter and now The Purge. Does Trump have a television that only shows movies from 2013?

  7. “Hate begets hate; violence begets violence; toughness begets a greater toughness. We must meet the forces of hate with the power of love.”

    “The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy, instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it. Through violence you may murder the liar, but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth. Through violence you may murder the hater, but you do not murder hate. In fact, violence merely increases hate. Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” —Martin Luther King Jr.

  8. Illustrious_Map_3247 on

    This is not like the purge. In the purge, all crime is legal for 12 hours.

    He is proposing organized police violence against immigrants. He’s basically proposing making being an immigrant a crime. The main similarity is that it’ll be violent and (supposedly) time-limited.

  9. After 2 of his own former supporters have tried to end him.

    Some cops may use that hour to go after him.

    Such an idiot. Full of hate. Doesn’t even recognize that his violent hate comes back to him.

  10. ColorMeSchocked on

    Translated: white “patriots” can kill migrants and other non-patriots.

    May the odds forever be in your favor!

  11. Ontarioreignfan on

    He’s pulling the same 💩 as he did on J6.

    However one feels about immigrants, legal or not, we are still talking about human beings. He’s talking about intentional harm to another human being. He’s promoting violence.

    This IS NOT what God intended for us.

    I really don’t know how he can be stopped.

    I fear that it’s only going to get worse after the election.

  12. Been alive for 15 different presidents. Never seen anyone so unfit for the office. We need to do everything possible to get Harris elected. Donate talk to neighbors, family friends, coworkers. His dad had dementia and he is showing all the signs. I am tired of his hate and con act. Oh for a chuckle look up word trumpery, so fitting to this menace

  13. Lots of people talking about The Purge here, but this is a lot more like the Night of Broken Glass. The purpose here is to terrorize and kill. Read history, he’s doing Hitler to a tee.

  14. This motherfucker wants to bring on the fucking *Purge*.

    This goddamned fascist dictator bastard ***CANNOT*** be permitted to be president!

    **HARRIS/WALZ 2024!!**

  15. Let me guess, the violence will only be allowed against “radical” leftists and “terrorist” antifa.

    Oh and the Proud Boys are allowed to join in on stopping the “crime”