‘They’re leaving’: Observers erupt as people depart Trump’s rally while he’s still talking



  1. franchisedfeelings on

    What did they think they’d see – something presidential? Everyone knows he’s beyond boring, lies with every breath, and whines like a man-baby.

  2. I think more of his supporters should go to his rallies to see the unfiltered rambling mess they support, without the media trying to sanewash his madness.

    It’s a longshot, but maybe they’ll be less likely to trust their kid’s future to a dementia-addled con man…


  3. Are some diehard trumpers finally getting tired of his schtick? Or, are these the ones that are paid to go?

  4. Unfriendly_eagle on

    Flabby, psychotic weirdo humiliates nation yet again with another pointless, rambling, childlike airing of grievances, film at 11. It’s about as likely as Lake Erie turning into Cool Whip, but if Waddles ever decides to do a real speech like a real adult, by all means, someone should cover it. But the demented hate rallies, with the insult comedy shtick and the bizarre dance moves, those can and should be ignored as the freak shows they are.

    I’m sure plenty of reasonable people have very valid, well-thought out reasons for disliking Kamala Harris, and they absolutely have that right. That said, right now, all I’m hearing from the Trumpies is flat-out nonsense (“she’s a Marxist socialist!”), or, even worse, flat-out racism and misogyny. And it’s very ugly, and very embarrassing, so much so that their thoughts and opinions cannot be taken seriously on any level. These are the people holding the country back, these people are the problem.

  5. Don’t get it twisted tho. These same people will STILL end up voting for him come election time. We cannot get complacent. Vote blue!

  6. No one has ever seen people leave events like this. It’s never happened like this before. Some people are talking about but most aren’t. No one can make people leave a rally like this. They don’t want to do it but they do it anyway.

  7. I mean he’d already played the hits: border, immigrants, drill baby drill, I’m the smartest, I’m the best, etc. and that parking lot is full. It’s like a concert from a has-been band.

  8. The Craigslist ads only say I have to show up, they don’t say I have to stay to the end to get paid.