Thinking Fortune 100 or even 500 companies have wit was your first mistake. Then thinking they’re unwittingly is your second.
FlightAble2654 on
Can i work from home? Sure!
Fake_William_Shatner on
“How were we to know full stack developers were from North Korea just because they were willing to work for $2 a day?”
2020willyb2020 on
The hiring vp: 4Ph.d for 40k a year ?? Hire him – the guy loves IT security and is willing to work 13 hours a day and wants to go through our entire system and infrastructure-
Thinking Fortune 100 or even 500 companies have wit was your first mistake. Then thinking they’re unwittingly is your second.
Can i work from home? Sure!
“How were we to know full stack developers were from North Korea just because they were willing to work for $2 a day?”
The hiring vp: 4Ph.d for 40k a year ?? Hire him – the guy loves IT security and is willing to work 13 hours a day and wants to go through our entire system and infrastructure-