The Arch Linux team is now working directly with Valve — SteamOS and Arch should both benefit greatly | Tom’s Hardware


  1. So now the sentence *I use Arch, btw* will go from being associated with insufferable nerds to being associated with insufferable gamers.

    Not much of an improvement.

  2. I wish Valve would do the same for the awesome KDE non-profit organization!

    That makes the aawesome Plasma desktop envrionement for desktops and laptops:

    And Plasma Big Screen for TVs and projectors:

    And Plasma Mobile for portable devices:

    And the the awesome KDE connect remote control / syncronization tool:

    Besides a ton of other great programs:

  3. Hopefully this doesn’t corrupt Arch, it’s a great distribution and it would be unfortunate for it to go corporate or get corporate influence.

  4. I remember [Quake 3 coming out for linux]( in 2001 and thinking “Yes! This is it! Gaming for linux is really here!” Still have my Loki Games Quake 3 tin. Then Loki Games went bankrupt and the dream died.

    When Valve released Steam for Linux in 2013, I was ready for it go nowhere. Maybe a few games and then their pet project loses interest in the company. But they invested non-trivial resources in it. They brought about a revolution in 3D driver support for linux, and just keep giving. Proton is amazing! Valve, thank you!

  5. Linux benefits as a whole

    It’s kind of an exciting time for linux:
    – Wayland hitting critical mass
    – System76 and COSMIC
    – Arch and Valve, Steamdeck
    – Kernel and Rust