Apartment Sales in Seoul Plunge 20% in August

Photo : YONHAP News

Apartment sales in Seoul plunged about 20 percent in August from a month earlier. 

According to the housing data from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport on Monday, the number of apartments sold in the capital city stood at seven-thousand-609 in August, down 20-point-one percent from a month earlier. 

The total number for Seoul and the surrounding areas of Gyeonggi Province and Incheon declined by 15-point-seven percent on-month to 25-thousand-366 in August. 

As a result, apartment sales transactions nationwide slipped eleven-point-two percent to around 60-thousand last month.
At the end of August, the number of homes available for presale nationwide reached 67-thousand-550, down five-point-nine percent from the previous month. 

However, the number of unsold homes after the presale period increased by two-point-six percent from the previous month to 16-thousand-461.

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