Hezbollah protesters in Melbourne unlikely to be charged

Posted by AztecGod


  1. If people were marching with swastikas everyone would be rightly demanding blood.

    Personally if fuckwit terrorists want to publicly self identify as the morons they are that’s ok with me.

  2. What’s wrong with this country? Where’d our spine go? That Simpsons épisode a lack of security and our politicians do shit all

  3. Does this not set a legal precedence for the future?

    I.e neo nazis could use this as some type of defence?

  4. Not charged, what a joke. They should be on a watchlist and investigated. If I knew someone who did that no way am I ever speaking to them again.

  5. Cool, so basically they’re saying that supporting terrorism is A-OK.

    What the fuck happened to this country?