McConnell denounces fellow Republicans for fawning over Hungary’s Viktor Orbán


  1. Oh shove it, monster-hands. Like you wouldn’t kill to have a person like Orban in the senate. 

  2. > fellow Republicans fawning over Hungary’s Viktor Orbán

    Like his party’s presidential candidate, for instance?

  3. harleybarley1013 on

    Mitch, you’re Victor Frankenstein in this scenario. This new GOP party is your monster. Own it.

  4. Ok_Breakfast4482 on

    And yet McConnell was too cowardly to call out the cancer in his own party trying to shift the USA toward the same type of authoritarian state Orban has.

  5. Eatthehamsters69 on

    Viktor Orban, “who is so great and powerful and highly respected!!” whose government recently said they would literally just surrender if they got in a war with Russia, and who also literally hosts chinese police stations in their country.

  6. McConnell is right to denounce them. They won’t actually stop fawning, of course. Christian nationalists can’t seem to get enough of “strong man” rulers like Putin and Orbán.

    Politico – [‘There Is a Real Sense That the Apocalypse Is Coming’](

    “What Weyrich also started to realize was that [Russian President Vladmiri] Putin — who was rising to power throughout the early aughts — was starting to harness the rhetoric of the Orthodox Church by talking about Russia’s spiritual heritage and its Christian values. And he was doing that as somebody who increasingly did not have to wait for Congress or courts or anyone else to make decisions. Weyrich realizes that this kind of governance structure — with a strong man at the top who uses the powers of the church — is probably the most effective way to build the kind of nation that he wants. What results is a sense that Putin — and eventually Viktor Orbán in Hungary — are examples of the kind of leaders that Christian nationalists want. There’s a sense that democracy may have to be martyred in order to save the American nation.”

  7. UltravioletAfterglow on

    Who gives a flying fuck what Mitch McConnell has to say about anything? What a gutless, servile and pathetic excuse for a man. He didn’t care enough about this country to speak out when it mattered, so he can shut the hell up now.

  8. 5th_degree_burns on

    YOU HELPED DO THIS MITCH! No go involuntarily pause in the corner for 3 hours and think about what you did.

  9. Even one of the worst Republicans of all time can be right once in awhile. Fuck you, Mitch. You made this.

  10. Fun-Telephone-9605 on

    Guys, he got what he wanted.

    Stacking the judiciary was his biggest goal. He’s openly spoke about it. The hat trick of SC justices during Trump’s term will probably ensure he dies happy.

    He’ll never regret what it’s costing us.

  11. This is a MF’r I never thought I’d agree with or be grateful for their input, but good on ya for once Mitch. Oh how your party has turned to dog shit. Hopefully after Trump looses yet again folks can get their tongue out of his ass and start thinking for themselves again. One can only hope 🤞🏼

  12. Upper_Return7878 on

    Too little, too late, Mitch. This is all on you. It would all be over if you had been born with two testicles, but alas, you were not.

  13. Spare me the bullshit. Glitch has ratfucked this country for decades. He’s directly responsible for each and every women who died and those who won’t be able to have children due to zero healthcare. He needs to take his rightful place in history as one of the worst Nazi architects America had to offer.

  14. Complex_Jellyfish647 on

    As a Kentuckian, it’s insane to imagine this guy actually being one of the sane ones, holy hell. How far his party has fallen.