30 years of population change in Europe


Posted by cursingpeople


  1. turkish__cowboy on

    those who don’t know what’s happening in cyprus: 🙂

    those who know: 💀💀😱😱

  2. Genocides in Ukraine and the Caucasus.

    Standard practice for the Okrhana [ catching up from the quiet periods in the late 17th century ]

  3. Estonia is quite sad, because when you visit, on the surface at least, it’s a country that seems to have it’s shit together

  4. How did Turkey accomplish this?

    I presume that an influx of migrants from the Middle East (particularly Syria) has contributed to it.

  5. Although Latvian depopulation during the recent decades is extremely bad and concerning, the numbers look worse when you take 1990 as the base, because Latvia had a larger share of soviet immigrants at the end of soviet occupation. Many of whoom left right when we regained our independence.

  6. My hometown in Southern Italy (Campania) had 54k inhabitants in 1990, which have dropped down to 49k in 2024. On the other hand, the town I’ve been living in for most of my life, here in Northern Italy (Emilia-Romagna), has seen an increase from 60k to 73k in the same time span.

  7. What the hell is happening in Turkey? Every Turk I’ve spoken to has me believing the opposite of what this map suggests?

  8. Conclusion: Turks are having sex.

    Advice for other countries: You should have sex too.

    -in loving memory of Shinzo Abe

  9. Iceland is quite sad, actually. Quite a lot of Icelanders are leaving Iceland. The country have become “cool”, which made prices rise. Combined with economic crisis, inflation, and Covid – and people are being priced out of their own country.

    (They often go to the other Nordic countries because we have an “inner market” like the EU regarding residence, so they can move there freely).

  10. Not really fair to Ukraine, considering a huge amount of refugees leaving in the last two years because of the russian invasion. Yes, there’s a natural decline as more people move to cities, but it’s not this dramatic.

  11. That red Ukraine is amazing sight! I myself am Ukrainian and would like to see all my people just disappear along with Russia and all that former USSR garbage. Long live civilized world and death to all stupid people

  12. Do you know why Italy is just +4%? because of immigration. Orherwise it would have been much worse. Is it good or is it bad? Take your choice.

  13. NightLanderYoutube on

    Surprised Slovakia is +5% I guess people just move to capital city. But a lot of people went abroad. My city went from 55k to 47k