1. OverlyComplexPants on

    We live in a world where Dick Cheney and Bernie Sanders publicly stated that they are both voting for the same person for President in November. That’s how objectively awful Trump is. Trump really does bring Americans together…to oppose him.

    Think about that for a second.

  2. It sucks that all these Republicans wasted 8 years letting a fat, old man in orange makeup, who poops his pants bully them all that time – before finally growing spines.

    This also shows how objectively terrible they always knew Trump was, but refused to do the right thing because… reasons.

  3. Flake is a prominent Republican? He had to move out of his ancestral small town that bears his Family name because the locals hated him so much.

  4. The republicans and MAGA are barking all day long… but in the end, Arizona will be a blue state for Harris.

  5. Yasss! Keep it going! We got 3 Republicans in AL who will be supporting and voting for our Madam President

  6. Jeff Flake for the win.

    No active, faithful Latter-day Saint can in good conscience and ethics vote for the abuser Trump.

    He is the -opposite- of Captain Moroni.